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Almost a Veteran Member
Cats owned: Colourpoint persian, and moggies
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Posts: 1,209
08-03-2022, 05:09 AM   #1

Tuesday Daily.

Good morning Pamela and Shelley,
Tuesday afternoon here and quite nice weather wise. I've been trying to post for a couple of days, but my computer keeps deleting everything. It's full of viruses, so Jared tells me. He's updated my virus software last night and worked on it until 11pm, so hopefully it will be OK for another few months anyway.It went funny a while ago as well and Jared thought he'd fixed it then.........but obviously not.

Nothing much to report here. I had more blood/urine tests this morning but haven't heard the results yet. Hopefully my potassium levels have gone down and I can eat some normal food again. Cats all OK, including Dickens. All going well, Ruby is coming round here next week to see me and meet the cats. Hopefully both sides will accept the other.

PAMELA, gosh you are having a stressful time .You must be worried sick about your dad and sister. I really really hope that all your tests come back negative as well Your poor dad with all those infections and now blood clots as well He must be feeling so poorly. We are all praying for him here and for your sister too. I hope that her covid symptoms are mild and she is able to cope OK.Of course she won't be able to visit your dad and that just puts all the pressure on you. I hope you are OK, Pamela, and able to find a bit of time yourself to relax.......hard ,I know. I'm thinking of you all but just wish I was closer so I could do more to help you out at this time. AND I haven't forgotten about Skye's eye either. I hope it is looking a lot better now.

SHELLEY, I hope that the doll fair went well, you bought lots of lovely bargains, and you sold everything you wanted to sell.I wonder if you managed to sell those Steiff bears ? AND I hope Kwame's tummy has now settled down.

Well, I'm off to finish the dishes and hopefully get a call from my doctor soon with some good news.

Have a good Tuesday Shelley, and Pamela, hope today brings you some better news too.

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