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Almost a Veteran Member
Cats owned: Colourpoint persian, and moggies
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Posts: 1,209
03-03-2022, 05:56 AM   #1

Quite warm Thursday.

Good morning Pamela and Shelley,
Sorry I haven't posted for a few days as my migraine came back with a vengeance, but it's finally left me. Gosh I've been reading all your news. Things haven't been too good here I'm afraid. My doctor rang me about my blood test results and said my potassium levels are higher than they should be and my kidney function was down. I have to repeat all the tests next Tuesday and in the meantime, she has taken me off one of my meds that the cardiologist put me on which may be the culprit, and I have to eat a low potassium diet. Gosh, everything has potassium in it, so I can't eat a lot of things. Hopefully the levels will go down soon if I remain off this particular pill, but because I'm diabetic, my kidney function is monitored. I hope there is no permanent damage.

Anyway, enough about me. The Wellington protest has finally come to a violent end with many police injured and many protesters arrested.So much violence at Parliament. I feel really sorry for the police who had to be there for 23 days facing abuse and having things thrown at them and could do nothing to retaliate. On day 23, they finally donned riot gear and forcibly moved in. Parliament grounds have been ruined and burned by these thugs. Hopefully they won't regroup somewhere else.

Dickens is much better and sleeping peacefully at the moment Still on 2 pills a day, but I may cut it back to one a day next week and see how he goes.

PAMELA, I'm so sorry you're having such a worrying time at the moment. I was shocked to read about your poor dad and I am praying that he will make a swift recovery. Gosh, he's been through so much, and now this. At least he's in the best place and even though nobody enjoys being in hospital, at least they have all the proper equipment close by to help him and can run all the tests on him while he's there. It will be lovely for him to come home to a nice tidy house when he's ready. AND poor wee Skye. I can remember when she had Horner's Syndrome last time. I hope the antibiotics kick in soon and she doesn't have to go back to the vet again. Giving pills to cats is so difficult as well. The poor cats hate it - I know Dickens won't open his mouth and tries to scratch. I hope you're having better luck.

SHELLEY, you must be really looking forward to that doll fair this weekend.You've done a lot of preparation for it. Oh, those Steiff bears are going to be so hard to part with. I bet you're going to be tempted to buy them for your own collection. I know I would. I'm sorry that Kwame still has an upset tummy. I was hoping that cutting out her treats would have helped.. Hopefully you'll soon find the right combination of food that will soothe her tummy, poor pup. How is Chris now ? I hope he's feeling much better after his brush with covid. Thank goodness you and Howard managed to avoid it.

Well ladies, I hope your spell of sunny weather continues today. and Pamela, I hope that today brings you and your sister some good news about your dad.A lot of people from NZ will be saying a special prayer for him tonight and every night until he is well again.

Stay safe everyone.

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