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11-02-2022, 04:21 AM   #1

Friday Daily

Good morning ladies
Friday afternoon here and it's around 23 degrees - not too hot but just nice.I haven't had a great day today. First of all, I've been trying to assemble this new computer desk and I can do the desk part but the shelves don't seem to be coming together. I was getting madder and madder and said a few naughty words in the process !! I've now given up and will get my as yet non-existent handyman to complete it, if I ever see him again. (highly unlikely at the moment as I can't even get him on the phone.) At least it's half done.

Secondly, I had to take Dickens back to the vet yesterday. Michele wasn't on, but I saw another nice one ,Lynn. Still nothing showing up in the urine sample except blood, so there seems to be no infection, but he's really miserable. She listened to his chest and said it sounded a bit wheezy and his breathing was quite erratic, but he was terrified and in pain, so that may have caused it. Because Dickens was born with a mild heart murmur, a chest x-ray is the next step if his breathing doesn't settle, but I'll talk to Michele about that if needed I bought him some urinary wet food, and he's eaten a little bit of it, so I guess that's a start.

Thirdly, and the worst of all, my cousin's Goldie, Cinder, collapsed this morning. My cousin managed to get her in the car and get to the vet for a scan of her tummy (finally !!!) and they discovered a mass. The vet said it could be cancer but he would have to operate to find out, and she wouldn't survive any operation. She's not in pain and is now able to walk a bit to go outside ,so my cousin is just leaving her and praying that it's not cancer. She will give Cinder every chance to rally round again, but it doesn't look good for the poor girl.She's been ringing me all day with updates. At the moment ,Cinder is lying quietly in the hallway, and just had something to eat. It's just a horrible time for everyone.

Chicken and vege soup and carrot bread toast for tea tonight. I don't feel like cooking anything.I had some spinach and feta rolls for lunch tomorrow with my cousin, but she won't be coming now, so Janna and I will have to eat them ,as I can't refreeze them.

PAMELA, that new motor cycle jacket was a lucky find. I'm glad you got it. AND you got and assembled your desk already. Puts me to shame.I have tried Dickens with meat varieties of baby food but he won't look at them. I'm glad Harris is behaving himself at night now and not keeping you and Steven awake. What a good boy he is. Shorter day for you at work today - you'll be looking forward to it.

SHELLEY, Max sounds like a beautiful big dog with such a gentle nature. I hope work is going well for you and you're finding time to sort out all those dolls and bears that you got from the Amsterdam market - I presume they've arrived now.

Just had a ring from the vet - Dickens' urine test has picked up the presence of crystals and this will make him more susceptible to stones in his bladder. This day can't get much worse.

Anyway ladies, I hope you both have a good Friday and a great weekend.

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11-02-2022, 09:37 AM   #2

Re: Friday Daily

Oh Dinky, what a time you are having, I'm so sorry.
It's the worse thing when our beloved pets are ill.
I hope for a miracle for Cinders.
Poor Dickens, I wonder I'd anti depressants are the way to go, could be worth a try.
Re your handyman situation, it's so frustrating, especially if you can't even get the dratted man on the phone.
Pamela, hope work is going well and you and Steven get out on the bikes somewhere nice.
How's your dad doing.
Getting all my dolls and bears sorted for the fair in March and also adding to my collection ��
Great news from the archives, have received valuable info on my gt aunt, including a letter she wrote and a photo of her aged 35.
Left me wanting to know more now.

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