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Shelley123's Avatar
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02-02-2022, 10:40 AM   #1

Here I am Wednesday

Hello Pamela and Dinky, sorry I've not been on for a while, just been busy.
I've just been catching up with all your news.
Pamela, I was sorry to hear your dad's been in hospital but very pleased he's on the mend.
It's a terrible worry sometimes.
Good for you buying the Yamaha tee shirts.
Hope your new shifts are going well.
Dinky, my goodness you have some drama with those cats, wonder whether the hot weather makes them cross.
It's Dreadful when supermarkets have empty shelves, when it was like that here it was caused by stupid people panic buying.
Had a very busy weekend, Saturday Howard and myself went for an Indian, Sunday we went to the cinema with my eldest James and his fiance Hannah.
We saw Belfast which was really good, a lovely cinema with sofas.
Monday, my dad was 87 and we took him to the Chinese.
Yes I did buy from the Amsterdam Market, dolls and bears which will hopefully arrive anytime.
Also bought a good antique doll at the auction and a little one to put on my stall.

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pamela81's Avatar
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03-02-2022, 09:18 PM   #2

Re: Here I am Wednesday

Evening Shelley and Dinky,

Sounds like yu had a lovely weekend. We have a cinema with couches near to Stevens mums, we were there a few years ago and said we need to go back as it was so comfy!! HAppy birthday to your dad, im sure he would have loved his meal. Thats good you managed to get a couple of things from the auction as well.

My dad is doign much better, i saw him yesterday for a few hours and will be seeing him most Wednesdays now. He casually said yesterday as i was leaving that i could clean his house for him once a month!! I have told him i will see but i will end up doing it as he is terrible at keeping on top of the house. My poor mum wouldnt be happy if she saw it!!

Been busy with work, still got a lot to learn but i am getting there and starting to pick up a lot of what to do to start solving IT issues. I am really enjoying the new job. Keeps the brain thinking which is what i have been needing!!

My new t-shirts also arrived today and i love them!! I also got a lovely gift through the post from a special friend. A wee day of surprises!!

Dinky, have the cats settled down? I do hope they have stopped fighting!!

Take care ladies

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