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09-02-2021, 08:29 AM   #1

Tuesday Daily.

Good morning everyone,
It's Tuesday early evening here. This morning I woke up to the joyous sound of rain and went and stood outside in it.I felt totally rejuvenated and wide awake for once.(pills still making me very drowsy) The rain stopped shortly after and temperatures did climb to 26, but there was a lot of cloud cover so the heat didn't bother me at all.Now tonight, it's just started to lightly rain again so I'll go out for another walk soon.

I bought a nice shower rug to line the bottom of the shower, as it gets very slippery, especially when you wash your hair. It'll take a few days to arrive as it's coming from the north island but that's OK. I also inquired again about a dog on trademe, called Emma. She's a 10 year old Boxer/Mastiff cross and she loves cats.I previously inquired about her but the group that has her are not prepared to rehome her out of Auckland unfortunately, because they feel it would be too traumatic for the dog.. Evidently she is terrified of noise ,traffic, cars and is too afraid to even go for a walk.Not sure why.I'd give her a great home for as long as she lives, but the group is adamant that because I live in a different island, I wouldn't be suitable. I do so hope she finds a good home for her remaining years.

PAMELA, glad you're pleased with your new Vax. Is it a straight vacuum cleaner or a wet and dry machine ? I'm sorry Mia's claw is bleeding when she goes for a walk. That must be painful for her.I'm glad you're keeping an eye on it and hopefully she may not need to see the vet. I don't blame you for wanting to see the vet that knows Mia ,if you do have to take her in. I hate the clinics where you have to see whoever is on for that day. Most of our NZ clinics seem to be like that unfortunately, but luckily Michele always saw Willow as the other vets were always afraid of her. Poor Barney with his stiff leg too.I don't suppose the cold weather is helping either. Hopefully it will improve as the weather gets warmer.

KAZZ,,I hope you had a good day off today, despite the cold weather and snow. It sounds as if Gert has had a great day with long walks. You'll be pleased to know that my saucepan has been resurrected from its resting place and is now boiling away happily on the stove with rhubarb and water in it. I heard that tip from the lady over the back fence and she reckons it's great for removing burn marks. We shall see.

YOLA, Sorry that it was so cold for you yesterday. Thanks for telling me about your rechargeable Dyson and its effectiveness with cat fur.Is it a special one designed for cat/dog fur ? If it's not too hot tomorrow, i think I'll go and have a look at them in a department store and try one out. I know Dyson has a really good name, but I have one heck of a lot of cat fur as Freddie and Dickens have at least one vicious fight daily and fur really flies everywhere. It looks like a real battleground all over the carpet.. I kid you not.

SHELLEY i hope you are feeling a lot better now after that vaccination.

Well everyone, I'll nip out for my walk now, just around the block. I hope everyone has a good Tuesday and stays warm and safe.

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09-02-2021, 06:39 PM   #2

Re: Tuesday Daily.

Hi Dinky and those to follow.

Dinky so glad it has cooled down a little for you. A walk in light rain is always quite nice.

That is a shame that they wont transport the dog to you especially as you could give her a great home!

My day has been interesting!! Not quite the day i expected!! We had 8 inches of snow overnight so i took Barney out this morning for a short walk as had to get back as Steven was meant to be going out to work. Then disaster struck!! I was putting the dogs breakfast out, looked at my floor and it was covered in a huge amount of blood!! Mias nail had completely broken. Phoned the vet as soon as they opened to get her in. Drive there was interesting as the motorways were bad with snow so it was along slow drive there. We werent sure if e were going to get out our street but the car was great. Had to leave Mia at the vet which we were worried about but the vet was amazing. It was a female as our usual guy vet wasnt in and she was soo good with Mia, she came out to meet u at the door, spent time petting Mia and took her inside. She was apparently great with them. No squealing or air snapping. So proud of her! she is home with her pink bandage on which we have to keep dry when she is out.

I am so glad Steven was still home as i would have had no car to get to the vet and i have never driven in really deep snow and my Z4 isnt the best car for the snow!!

My new vax is a carpet washer and it is soo good! We also have a cordless dyson and an upright. Both are good.

Sitting relaxing tonight i think now after an eventful day!! My work werr great, gave me time to go with Steven to take her to the vet then get her this afternoon.

Hope you have a nice relaxing evening

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09-02-2021, 07:59 PM   #3

Re: Tuesday Daily.

Goodness, how stressful Pamela, poor Mia - that must've given you a fright. I'm no good when either the cats or kids are injured I just panic.

Such a shame about Emma, Dinky. My NZ geography isn't brilliant but I guess it must be quite a way if such a journey could potentially traumatise her. My Dyson is quite a powerful one and it has an optional pet head included. Because my cats' hair is long and fluffy, it tends to bunch into balls much like tumbleweed so I don't have the usual hassle with getting short fur out. Hence I use the ordinary, smaller head.

Today was a day of trying to sort a TV ad out. I look after marketing for a company who make and sell homelifts (NOT stairlifts LOL), and we are going to be testing a new ad. So I'm having to write pages of supporting arguments for our claims for Clearcast - the body which monitors ad integrity - and also listen to lots of different voices so I can chose a voice over artist for speaking the ad. My brain's a bit scrambled tonight.

Time for wine

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