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29-09-2014, 09:09 AM   #1

Marigold Monday

Good morning all!

I'm trying to get back into some sort of normal routine again after the holiday. The jet lag has been a pain this time and the weekend gave me an excuse for laziness.

Have a doctor's appointment this morning, just a thyroid level check, then I must go and shop. I've run out of basics, tea, coffee, bread etc. it's like Mother Hubbard's cupboard here! I have got three nice brown eggs though courtesy of my lovely girls Maggie May and Roxanne. I'll post pics later of their offerings.

All three cats are present and correct this morning, taking their places for their morning naps; Pearl by my feet on the sofa, Phoebe on the windowsill and Pandy on the bed. Ah, peace and quiet for my morning cuppa- cheers!

have a good day everybody, pats and strokes to all your furries. xx

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29-09-2014, 11:06 AM   #2

Re: Marigold Monday

morning Nette and all to follow.
I don't blame you taking it easy over the weekend, why not.
Hope you get all your provisions in today it's horrible when your running low.
Nice sunny day here, just put the washing out on the line, dogs walked and fed.
Just waiting for a friend who is calling for a catch up this morning and to help me look through my recent auction buys to see if i have any treasures.

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29-09-2014, 11:21 AM   #3

Re: Marigold Monday

Good morning Posh Puss and Shelley.It's 11pm here and blowing a gale outside.All cats have been fed and are sleeping peacefully Posh Puss,those brown eggs sound nice. I buy 12 free range eggs from a farm every week and they are much nicer than those from a supermarket.Hope you get over your jet lag quickly and your doctor's appointment goes well. Shelley, you never know - something you bought at auction might be worth a fortune. Do remember your Catsey friends if so.!!!!

My eldest daughter has returned from Milan at the weekend.She is also suffering from jet lag and has a few days off work. My wee grandson, Asher, has now gone home after spending 2 weeks living with me. He's a lovely wee boy but I can't say I'm sorry to see him go. He's a bit full on for me and far too noisy for my cats.

I'm off to bed now. Love to all Catsey cats and dogs.Oh yes, my Dickens has his stitches out tomorrow, thank goodness.I've got the feeling that he's not going to enjoy that experience.

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29-09-2014, 11:43 AM   #4

Re: Marigold Monday

lol Dinky i wouldn't hold your breath re there being a valuable treasure in my lots. I wanted one little wooden doll but she came with two boxes full of bric a brac.
You will find your house quiet now that Asher has gone, how old is he ?
Hope Dickens goes on alright tomorrow

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29-09-2014, 12:44 PM   #5

Re: Marigold Monday

Morning all - a very miserable grey day here.

Uncharacteristically, my darling Kizzy caught my left thumb with her claws this morning, so I have a dolly of sticking plaster and my, it's throbbing! Bled like a stuck pig.

Done a big online shop for delivery tomorrow. Had to send OH out for some skimmed milk as we'd none for tea. I don't like the thought of going out to buy provisions, although I don't mind popping to our local farm shop for fresh veggies, that's about it for me and shopping.

OH has a busy week with the dogs' various activities and golf - he's playing in a competition himself later in the week, so he's quite relieved I think not to be going to a rally-O comp with Dora!

Fingers crossed for Dickens tomorrow, Dinky.

Hope everyone has a lovely day.

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Catsey Junior
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29-09-2014, 03:08 PM   #6

Re: Marigold Monday

Highly humid here in West Ireland. wet wet wet starting again after blessedly dry weeks of Indian Summer.

Quiet day here knitting and pottering.. cats in and out as always.

Feral has invaded the house again and left his stinky mark behind. He just does not get it that if he minded hi manners he would get to live indoors but between assaulting and terrorising my two and spraying.. No chance!

he sits on the doorstep wailing in his strange shrill voice....

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29-09-2014, 11:16 PM   #7

Re: Marigold Monday

Perhaps your feral is singing, Marigold Barnaby sings a lot, especially at night. I'm with you and the shopping Angie. I hate food shopping. Luckily OH loves it, I just trail along in the breeze.

Went to corn merchant this afternoon after walking the dogs. I think the hens are about self sufficient with the ratio of cost of corn and eggs produced. They are very good bartering currency as well.

Don't blame you for resting PP, I've never had jet lag but it sounds very disorientating.

You never know Shelley, you could have a hidden treasure.

Made an appointment for a pelvic ultrasound today. Got to have some stuff investigated. At least my blood tests show I'm not anaemic.

Hope all is well for Dickens, poor little furry.

Hope to visit Huggins this week and take them a big sack of cat litter, more blankets, some kitten food and anything else I think might be of use. Got some stuff for their charity shop too. Lunch with the 'girls' tomorrow, got an extra 'girl' as well so there should be quite a few of us. We make quite a bit of noise laughing but none of us drink.

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Catsey Junior
Cats owned: Two rescues and one feral
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Location: Ireland
Posts: 35
30-09-2014, 04:53 AM   #8

Re: Marigold Monday

Originally Posted by fecto's mum
Perhaps your feral is singing, Marigold Barnaby sings a lot, especially at night. I'm with you and the shopping Angie. I hate food shopping. Luckily OH loves it, I just trail along in the breeze.

Went to corn merchant this afternoon after walking the dogs. I think the hens are about self sufficient with the ratio of cost of corn and eggs produced. They are very good bartering currency as well.

Don't blame you for resting PP, I've never had jet lag but it sounds very disorientating.

You never know Shelley, you could have a hidden treasure.

Made an appointment for a pelvic ultrasound today. Got to have some stuff investigated. At least my blood tests show I'm not anaemic.

Hope all is well for Dickens, poor little furry.

Hope to visit Huggins this week and take them a big sack of cat litter, more blankets, some kitten food and anything else I think might be of use. Got some stuff for their charity shop too. Lunch with the 'girls' tomorrow, got an extra 'girl' as well so there should be quite a few of us. We make quite a bit of noise laughing but none of us drink.
No just grumbling and playing the poor me in true Irish fashion! Just fed him at the door.

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