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Shelley123's Avatar
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03-10-2012, 12:11 PM   #1


afternoon all, thought i'd try to shape up and start the thread today.
Feeling better in myself but have a cough, should be back to work tomorrow just waiting to see if they want me, bit tricky when you're working with delicate children.
Been out with the dogs and saw a lovely horse on the way back, Kwame was very interested until they it stopped, he then positioned himself behind a lampost so he could watch in safety.
Pamela, i remember now that you are going to amsterdam, how could i forget.
Hope you have a marvellous time, i love that city.
Be sure to tell me all about it when you get back and take some pics
Will you go in the Ann Frank house ?

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angieh's Avatar
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03-10-2012, 02:49 PM   #2

Re: wednesday

Afternoon Shelley - coughs are horrible, hope yours calms down soon/you find something to calm it.

Funny Kwame, hiding behind a lampost from a horse! Monty goes apoplectic when he sees a horse, which is most days as we live close to a stable. The horses are all very calm and don't take any notice of him, luckily. Monty is cuddling his daddy just now, we think he's pulled a muscle or something - he was sitting a bit awkwardly and had a bit of trouble jumping up onto OH's lap. We probably won't take him to training this evening and I'll just have to stay home in front of the fire and look after him. Oh well, perhaps I'll treat myself to a wee dram too!

I've been having trouble sourcing Kizzy and Pip's favourite Applaws Tuna fillet with whole anchovy. I had an email a couple of days ago from one firm I'd placed an order with, saying it was discontinued, so I've emailed Applaws asking if it's true and if they could kindly give me and explanation to pass on to Kizzy and Pip! Luckily, they have taken to a Pets at Home product so I placed an order online this morning and have been to the store and collected it. Good system because you don't risk making a wasted journey.

Pamela, I too love Amsterdam - so I hope you enjoy your holiday. Hope Kazz is enjoying her cruise too.

Have a good day folks.

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03-10-2012, 05:20 PM   #3

Re: wednesday

I too have developed the sickness! Off work with it today and I'm not allowed in tomorrow (working with food and have to leave it 24 hours)
Trishka returned home last night (thanks Shelley!) she is well and truly settled into her new home, chasing us round, batting her chicken all over the new carpet!

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Shelley123's Avatar
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03-10-2012, 05:46 PM   #4

Re: wednesday

Angie, hope Kizzy and Pip are happy with their food.
Jade, sorry to hear you're not well, take it easy, you've probably been doing too much.Make sure you get J to wait on you until you are better,lol.
Glad to hear Trishka has settled in her new home

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pamela81's Avatar
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03-10-2012, 06:19 PM   #5

Re: wednesday

evening everyone,

Shelley glad to hear your feeling a bit better today
L.T hope your also feeling better soon,
Angie, did you manage to find the food you were looking for, for Kizzy and Pip?

I havent long got home, got my clothes packed for Friday, just need to try get OH to do so aswell!! Got passports and things looked out. Soo looking forward to Amsterdam and a night in Newcastle as well. Shelley, i will make sure i take plenty of photos and will post when i get home, i need to make sure both cameras are fully charged!! Busy day tomorrow as im working until 1230pm then heading to get my hair done then its my nephews birthday then home to get organised!! not sure if i will get on before we leave on friday. Hope everyone has a lovely weekend as well x

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