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Shelley123's Avatar
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24-09-2012, 02:49 PM   #1

Miserable weather Monday

Afternoon folks.
Not stopped raining all day, it's horrible. Time to put the summer clothes away i fear.
Had a lovely day yesterday, i went to a doll fair in Birmingham with two dolly friends.
Today was less exciting with a Tesco food shop , nice to have decent food to eat again though.
I'm enjoying having a borrowed cat, she's settled well and is quite happy in the upper part of the house.

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angieh's Avatar
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24-09-2012, 04:21 PM   #2

Re: Miserable weather Monday

Hi Shelley - it rained non-stop this morning. OH and Monty got very wet but it did stop raining late morning, OH had to go into town to sort changed payments for his mum's nursing home and he got there and back in the dry. It's very windy now, but the sun has come out. I had the lights on indoors this morning.

My craft table has arrived! Woooppppeeee! I phoned the supplier this morning and was told that it should be arriving today and it did. Nearly all set up now, so there will be a lot of calligraphy practice going on ....... I need to get my skates on if I am to produce something good enough for C-word cards!

Yesterday we did not go on our planned Schnauzer walk and instead put some summer berries (frozen from Tesco) to soak in vodka. Just had a wee tastey today and it promises to be glorious. Hic!

So glad you are enjoying your borrowed cat, Shelley - what's her name? Any chance of a photo???

Have a good day peeps, keep dry if you can.

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pamela81's Avatar
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24-09-2012, 05:13 PM   #3

Re: Miserable weather Monday

Evening Angie and Shelley. The weather is miserable here today as well. Glad im in work even though its a Glasgow bank holiday! Not long in from work and as usual i have Skye beside me!! We are also looking after OH's sisters cat as she is away on holiday for a week and didn't want to put Sal into the cattery as shes getting on a bit. So we are going over at least twice a day to check on her and give her cuddles. Wish we could have her here but Harris and Skye are only just on talking terms at times!!

Shelley, who's wee cat have you "borrowed"? need to post some pics
Angie, your berries sound lovely!! can you send some my way please?

hope everyone stays warm and dry in this horrible

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Kazz's Avatar
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24-09-2012, 05:47 PM   #4

Re: Miserable weather Monday

Hiya all.

Shelley when you come for a fair again let em know and we can meet for a coffee.......need a bit of notice though although my summer clothes are staying out till I come back. And a foster cat pictures!!!!!!!!!
Angie Vodka berries....hmm......glad your table came
and good luck with the practicing.

Work tonight, bit of a panic yesterday was woken up by my Mom screaming Dad has a slight cold and had gone to bed then woke up wanted the loo and I/we think got out of bed to fast and he said could not stop himself falling ended up on the floor, could not get up (his legs have little movement following the shingles) plus he is getting no younger or stronger so strugled to get up he is not a big big man about 11 stone however the loss of sensation in his leg nerves hinders most things and he does not have the strength in his arms to pull himself up. Also his COPD is much worse when he panics, which he did plus Mom crying stressed him I woke up in a panic - rushed in tried to get him up but he was not able to so I propped a chair behind his back wedged against the wall so he could sit up and breath and tried to calm him down so he could breath but he is stone deaf and had broken his hearing air in the process however he was panicing making breathing
While I was on the landing he had pulled the bedroom
phone wire out trying to pull himself up .....he tried to get up again and fell this time on he took Mom who was trying to help with him. Now both on the floor. PANIC
Dad now really panicing as his breathing was so bad he could not even talk he was just really struggling to breathe his face went grey/ashen. Sat him back in same position got Mom up into a chair she was more shaken than hurt - but now sore.
Ambulances came and he went to hospital he started to feel a lot better with the oxygen......going to look into getting some at home.
An he was discharged - we asked for this - as the hospital is not the place for an elderly man with no immediate treatment need - he is as right as rain today well as right as he can be the cold has now come out full force (I don't want it and told him so) his leg is playing up the nerves and he has antibitoics. Mom is a bit stiff and I have threaten her with violence if she does more than sit in the arm chair or kitchen today.

So no sleep yetserday then work and work tonight but had sleep. (Thankfully) finish work tonight then fly out Sat (all being well)

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24-09-2012, 05:50 PM   #5

Re: Miserable weather Monday

Evening Pamela.

Seems we cross posted, glad you had a good day although a wet day.
More cats cuddles cannot be a bad thing.......

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Shelley123's Avatar
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24-09-2012, 09:08 PM   #6

Re: Miserable weather Monday

phew Karen, you made me panic with your description.
Definately sounds as if oxygen at home would be a good idea, even if it's just for peace of mind. Glad everything is ok now.
Angie, i'm pleased your craft desk has finaly arrived.
Pamela, you sound busy looking after Sal too.
The little cat i am looking after belongs to my son and fiance who is already a member of the forum.
Will post some pics whilst i have my own cat (even if she is temporary ) lol

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Shelley123's Avatar
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24-09-2012, 09:11 PM   #7

Re: Miserable weather Monday

Karen, it would be lovely to meet up next time, the fair is at the motor cycle museum.
MrsH, meant to say how lovely the pictures of your grandson are.

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