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Shelley123's Avatar
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19-09-2012, 06:42 PM   #1

so relieved wednesday

evening all, i'm so relieved because i have been to the dentist and everything is ok (touch wood ) I've known about the appointment for a couple of weeks and it's been on my mind, wish i wasn't so afraid. Had my teeth cleaned but didn't need anything else doing.
Been to see my parents who have just returned from our caravan and then went to see a friend whom i haven't seen for a couple of months.

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angieh's Avatar
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19-09-2012, 07:05 PM   #2

Re: so relieved wednesday

Evening Shelley - sorry you find the dentist visits so stressful; I don't like going either but currently I am lucky to have a very sympathetic dentist who understands that it's a bit traumatic - I've had loads of orthodontic work over the years. Glad to hear that you have nothing needing to be done - do you go every six months?

We are on our 3 week break from agility and are taking Monty to the advanced training class, so OH has gone early to do his volunteering at puppy class and juniors and then I am taking Monty over in just under an hour or so, the journey takes about 20 mins and of course it's getting dark earlier and earlier - I'm not keen on night time driving, not having done any for a very long time. Hope the journey goes well. I've just taken Monty up the bridle path for a comfort break.

Have a good evening folks.

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Shelley123's Avatar
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19-09-2012, 07:19 PM   #3

Re: so relieved wednesday

Hi Angie, yes we go every six months. we are in denplan.
Hope your drive goes ok

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