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29-07-2012, 02:02 PM   #1

no sunday daily yet??

afternoon everyone thought i would start a daily as there doesn't seem to be 1 yet. Not been doing alot today just went and got the details for my new mobile phone finalized and then went to the golf driving and then the rain started putting paid to our walk we were going to do. Hopefully the rain will go off later and we can go after dinner which is steak and potatoes tonight

hope everyone is having a good Sunday

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29-07-2012, 02:17 PM   #2

Re: no sunday daily yet??

Hi Pamela ............. it's just you, me and MrsH .........

We're having mushroom risotto for supper. I do like making risotto, but that's probably more about standing stirring whilst drinking wine ........ it's soothing somehow.

Sunday afternoon snoozing here, Monty, Kizzy, Pip probably OH in a while and I'm going to try and fix some reservoirs on to my calligraphy pens!!!

Have a good day folks.

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29-07-2012, 03:12 PM   #3

Re: no sunday daily yet??

Hi all, I've been in the garden frantically cutting back and weeding before the promised rain struck- it just has with a vengeance!

The broad beans were a failure this year but it looks like the runners will be good. Beetroots good, courgettes good (but something is getting to them before us- rabbits are the main suspects). and it looks like the sweetcorn will give us a few cobs if we can keep the squirrels off......

The travelling last week was a bit mad- Malham, then Swindon (!) I was on 11 trains over 4 days. Next week it is off to Bristol- hopefully things will calm down for a bit after that......

I'm afraid I'm not a great risotto fan Angie, I've been vegetarian since 1983 and for a long time it was the default veggie option! Hope you enjoy yours, and your steaks and spuds Pamela (that's what OH has for tonight)

Ah, he has just turned up with papers.

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29-07-2012, 04:22 PM   #4

Re: no sunday daily yet??

I've had a bit of broadband failure but I'm back again. Some scary rain/hail/thunder this afternoon, keeps the water butts topped up!

Just chilling here, sofa, papers, Olympic tv, cups of tea (no biscuits though, I'm being noble) Sunday Times crossword is irritating today, lots of linked clues which I hate. Daughter and her bloke usually call in and between us we can get the crossword finished quite quickly but they're away this weekend so it's just me (OH doesn't "get" cryptic crosswords) I think it'll take me some time!

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29-07-2012, 09:49 PM   #5

Re: no sunday daily yet??

Evening. Quick hello before I head off to bed! My writing test - which prevented me from hosting the quiz - was well received, hoping to hear tomorrow if I've been commissioned to write the work, it's for BMW; a brand which I'm familiar with so hoping to get it.

Today was a bit of a wash out, it started to rain shortly after we got to the allotment so we left the bikes locked in the shed and piled into the car that OH had driven down. Will need to get the bus down to get the bikes probably tomorrow.

It's good being at home with the boys at the mo, all ironing etc done so nice to find myself with some downtime at the weekends for once

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29-07-2012, 10:59 PM   #6

Re: no sunday daily yet??

Evening all.

I am awake

Had a little cry before I went to bed this morning John my next door neighbour but one had his beloved GSDX dog put to sleep yesterday. He got abit emotiHope you are onal this morning when I took Sal out he was in the front garden and the dog was always with him, hope he gets another he looks odd without a dog at his heels and he lives alone so she was his pal.

Onto brighter things Pamela steak hmm. Shame about the rain we have not had any (that of know of) gold driving thats a thing I have not done in years, used to have apartner who adored going to driving rnage yet would not play golf....weird eh?

Angie I cannot do risotto - I think I overthink it. How the caligraphy coming on?

C.S. Glad you got the garden sorted before the rain, "11 trains 4 days" sounds like the title of a book.

Mrs H sounds like a perfect Sunday. How are you since your gall bladder issue? 100% better I imagine.

Yola I had to read that twice I thought you were taking an exam at first and I had missed it... sounds like the allotment is going strong. Downtime though well done you.

Todays thread reminds me strongly of Eileen squirrels and allotments, gardening, alcohol and crosswords.

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