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pamela81's Avatar
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24-02-2012, 08:41 AM   #1

Friday at last!!!

Morning everyone, its finally friday!!! Been such a long week. Got my 2 assessment role plays today for my new department unfortunately, we dont know how 1 of the scripts we need to use goes as its quite a complicated 1 so not sure how that will go!! REally windy here today aswell Got loads of clothes last night which i really needed as my wardrobe has been very limited lately so really pleased ive got some nice new clothes.

Heading ot work,hope you all have a great friday. Lots of hugs to our catsey cats xxx

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angieh's Avatar
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24-02-2012, 10:15 AM   #2

Re: Friday at last!!!

Morning Pamela - I hope your day goes well, sounds a bit heavy going but I'm sure you'll do well. Glad you are pleased with your new clothes.

Not quite so nice as yesterday - overcast and quite a bit colder. My gardening chap is here and is going to start cleaning the inside of the greenhouse. I have to store loads of pots etc. in the greenhouse as there is no room in the shed and we lost the garage when it was converted into MIL's bedsit. Trying to decide whether to get another small shed and if so, where to put it. It could go where the hen house is ........ don't think we'll be getting more hens now.

Have a good Friday peeps .... w/end just around the corner! More Catsey cat cuddles from me, my our friends are going to be feeling really loved today

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24-02-2012, 03:38 PM   #3

Re: Friday at last!!!

afternoon Pamela, Angie and anyone else.............
Pamela, role play sounds terrible, i hate it . Hope everything goes well for you. Great that you got some new clothes.
Been to work this morning, had a scary drive there, me making silly mistakes, then i felt realy clumsy and spaced out at work, not sure why but it passed.
I was asked to paint some pictures on the windows today and felt quite nervous as i haven't done any art work for a few years now, also had to do it whilst a session with the children was happening so i had to try and look unobtrusive so as not to distract
Pleased to say there is now quite a pleasant scene of rolling hills, a lamb, dragonfly, pond, sunshine and daffodils.

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Elaine's Avatar
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24-02-2012, 06:26 PM   #4

Re: Friday at last!!!

Evening all, just about to sit down with a cuppa and watch Coach Trip.
Blooming windy day today and a cold wind at that but the sun was shinning, just missed the warmth of the last two days. Never mind it is still Feb'.
Have made a post in Eileens donations thread so please take a look.
Hope everyone is well and that you all have a good weekend xxx

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cats' staff's Avatar
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24-02-2012, 07:12 PM   #5

Re: Friday at last!!!

Hi all, not much of a day here- took time off work as my cold was winning. OH is still away with his family, my FIL is not really able to talk now but they are pretty sure he knows that they are all there.
I had to bite the bullet and drive the Freelander today to get more cat food. I am more used to the Micra but OH took that as the Freelander isn't great for longer trips. It's not too bad to drive but parking can be challenging! Luckily I found a 'drive through' space so didn't have to mole-husband.

Think Tolly is missing OH- he is getting a bit truculent with me.... at least I got plenty of cat food in!

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pamela81's Avatar
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24-02-2012, 09:45 PM   #6

Re: Friday at last!!!

evening everyone

Angie, how did your gardener get on today?
Shelley, your painting on the windows sounds lovely
Elaine, hope you have had a good day
CS, sorry to hear that your FIL isnt doing well. Thats good that you got an easy space to park the freelander. Big cars are hard to park

I didnt do my role play today as the trainer didnt feel the group had had enough practice time for them. Doing them on monday instead. Just back from dinner, we went to a chinese bufeft place tonight so just home and relaxing with a wee stiffies and watching tv

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