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pamela81's Avatar
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14-10-2011, 07:18 AM   #1

DSH Friday

Morning everyone, decided to be lazy this morning nd take the car to work instead of getting the bus, means i can sit with a wee cup of tea for half an hour and try get psyced (sp) for going into work. Had a wee look at jobs last night, getting to the point in my work that i cant do the pushy sales side of my job and really not enjoying it now. Im meant to be running the team next week as the boss is off on holiday but going to ste down from it if it means she wont give me soo much hassle.

Was looking into vetenary nursing or vet nurse assistant but it means going back to college which i cant afford to do just now and theres not alot of other jobs out there at the moment.

Sorry, thats my moan over for the day. Good thing about today though is Oh gets his new company car today so cant wait to go for a drive on sunday with it as im working tomorrow.

Hope you all have a great day

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angieh's Avatar
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14-10-2011, 10:17 AM   #2

Re: DSH Friday

Morning Pamela - sorry to hear that you are not enjoying your job, that's hard and it's the worst time to try and find something else.

It's a glorious day here again, wall to wall blue sky and sunshine, but a bit chillier than yesterday. Unfortunately a neighbour has lit a stinky bonfire which means all windows and doors have to be closed and I can't get out in the garden as it affects my breathing badly. So that's me in for the day ................ wish there was a law, but there isn't.

Still, I do have loads of paperwork to sort through .....

Enjoy your hopefully smoke-free day wherever you are.

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14-10-2011, 10:50 AM   #3

Re: DSH Friday

Hi Pamela, Angie... Sounds like you're both in need of a hug this morning, Pamela for the work stuff - that's rotten Pamela *hugs* And Angie for the bonfire-breathing thing *hugs*. That reminds me, I really need to phone the dr's to arrange a review soon...

All quiet over here - slept in quite late (after turning alarm off) this morning - 4 day weekend though, always good!

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MrsH's Avatar
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14-10-2011, 11:58 AM   #4

Re: DSH Friday

Sorry to hear that work is getting you down Pamela and for the bonfire Angie! We live next door to determined bonfirers so we know what you're suffering, the smoke gets into the house even with doors and windows closed as we have a cat flap and vents in the bathroom, cooker-hood and tumble dryer. I left towels in the tumble dryer once and had to rewash them as they reeked of smoke But at least our next door neighbours never light a fire until after dark.

It's been very dry here lately, OH fed the lawns a couple of days ago and he's having to water them today as there's been no rain yet. We use rain water in our disinfectant bucket for Morgan's toilet area and one of the water barrels is now only about half full very odd for Autumn

Nails this afternoon then supermarket, I've only got 2 things on the shopping list so far, olives and brandy, but I'm sure I'll think of something else

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14-10-2011, 02:31 PM   #5

Re: DSH Friday

Afternoon all.

Pamela - ebbs and flos, best time to find another job is whe you already have one; the complete change of career is interesting, maybe volunteering (if you have time) at a local shelter/vets practice would help you see if that is what you want to do.I know a friend of a friend of a friend volunteered at a local to her blue cross (I think it was)centre and found it was just what she wanted to do now works there full time, right place right time for a vacancy.
Angie sorry you are locked in doors its a nice day here. No one by me lights bonfires odd! maybe somehing to be said for small gardens LOL Although I love the smell myself but not on my washing.
Squirrel - 4 day week..........good for you.

Mrs H I agree a lot less rain here too, noticed my water butt is no where near as full as it normaly is this time of year. Love that shopping list..............opens your imagination to cooking options - if a little limited.

Anyhow my news been to work last night in for 1/2 a night tonight so awake now - popping to the shops sadly for my bank balance a little more on my list than Mrs H, got to pop to the bank. Have already renewed my car insurance cheaper than last year which apparently is "news" given the insurance rises.
Got reminder from the vets for Sal's booster - toying with not getting her done - not sure now it invalidates the insurance and she is not getting younger, so maybe catch22 for me anyhow or maybe I am too tired to think sensibly at the moment - Yes thats my salvation. I will make o descisions until I am 100% awake and alert.

Will try to complete the wallpaper stripping in the bedroom this weekend. May even go and look for new curtains, looking and aiming (hoping to achieve) a
luxurious look but none fussy. Seen a nice picture when out and about ummed and arrrred but will get it I think, no idea why when it was only £0 but just right sort of look, a dancer.
Anyhow off to the shops now speak to you all later maybe when I get home or maybe if you are lucky before I go.

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angieh's Avatar
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14-10-2011, 02:43 PM   #6

Re: DSH Friday

We still have that b****y bonfire - it's not a nice woodsmoke one Kazz but a stinky 'orrid acrid smelly one and it's chucking out loads of smoke. Just across the bridle path from us too. I would go and complain, but I fear my breathing would let me down before I got to the shouting and cursing stage.

Anyway, some results: - slow cooker has arrived - hip! Cat food has arrived - hip! Dog food has arrived - hooray! OH phoned up our central heating boiler people to arrange to have the annual service. He phoned this morning and the engineer has just left, all done and dusted for another year. Just happened to catch the booking at the right time when someone was in the area. RESULT!!!

Still sorting paperwork and not finished that ..........

Home made coffee and walnut cake to look forward to with tea in a little while

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dandysmom's Avatar
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14-10-2011, 03:42 PM   #7

Re: DSH Friday

Hi people! Rain on and off, still mildish nearing 10:45 am: 17 ℃ (63 F), Had stopped raining when I went downstairs to pick up my mail but was bucketing down again in that short period, so no grass for Madame this morning . A bit of extra fuss and some chicken to make up for it.

Angie, sorry about the stinky bonfire, (((hugs))) from here too. I always liked the smell of burning leaves but it's been outlawed in the City for ages and ages. Pamela, I always hated the sales part of my job too; we were a small company so when the salesman was away/busy and a sales call came in we had to take it. Squirrel, 4 day weekend sounds lovely - enjoy! MrsH, intriguing shopping list ..... Good luck shopping, Kazz, hope you find what you're looking for.

Smile: people will wonder what you're up to ......

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14-10-2011, 05:19 PM   #8

Re: DSH Friday

Is your heating on yet Eileen???

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Shelley123's Avatar
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14-10-2011, 05:23 PM   #9

Re: DSH Friday

hello everyone, been to work this morning and out with work mates this evening for an Italian.
It's a leaving do for a realy nice member of staff, hopefuly it will be an enjoyable evening.

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angieh's Avatar
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14-10-2011, 05:45 PM   #10

Re: DSH Friday

Have a great evening Shelley. Italian is my favourite type of food!

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