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24-07-2011, 09:07 AM   #1

Turkish Delight Sunday

Hope the weather is delightful where you are more cloudy here, no rain though. This choccy bar was an indulgence and very 'grown up' treat for a mere kid. My Nan always had one when we went to the pictures. I remember dressing up as the girl from the Turkish Delight advert , all veils and chiffon scarves, for a Brownies fancy dress party when I was about 10 years old

I made it to the Golden Wedding party last night, which was s great success. News came to us of the death of Amy Winehouse, which is sad and premature. Another rock singer taken by addiction and a family in mourning. Her god daughter Dionne Bromfield, a rising star, was supposed to have been in an open air concert in Pontypridd last night.

The tragedy in Norway is still unfolding- more sadness.

I hope things will be good for you all today

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angieh's Avatar
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24-07-2011, 11:28 AM   #2

Re: Turkish Delight Sunday

Morning PP. Clouding over here now too, but warm enough for me to be in a T-shirt this morning although the computer is telling me it's still only 18C - the same as yesterday. Up a bit late this morning and have showered, done my hair and dressed, breakfasted and seen all OK in the greenhouse. Will be going out with Master Bogle in a short while.

Very sad about Amy Winehouse. OH was telling me about the number of musicians who have all died aged 27 - there's quite a group and it is thought not to be coincidence that addictive personalities actually only last about 10 years from the start of their alcohol/drug dependency. Such talent going too soon is always sad.

I think that the man responsible for the mass murders in Norway ought not to be given the opportunity to speak in court about his reasons for the whole world to hear. That's just what he is after.

I would recommend extra cat cuddling today - for mutual affection and comfort. Have a good day peeps.

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24-07-2011, 12:35 PM   #3

Re: Turkish Delight Sunday

Last night I ate cheese! It was such a joy eating cheese without that ghastly pain and nauseaI savoured every bit of it, wonderful having a normal diet again but I must be careful not to put back all that weight I lost.

Which brings me to Turkish Delight - one of my all-time favourites. When I was little we had very traditional Christmas stockings (nuts, tangerines, chocolate) mainly because well, that's what you did then but also because money was very tight in our house and we had to appreciate little things. Anyway, my sister hated Turkish Delight and I hated Maltesers yet every year Santa gave us identical stockings, so before breakfast (long before breakfast!) we'd swap and tuck in. I'd eat one of the Turkish Delights quickly because it wasn't really mine and therefore seemed a bit like "forbidden fruit" and really savour and linger over the 2nd one. Funny the memories that get triggered by a word!

Today (I'm very food-centred at the moment ) we're eating roast lamb for lunch all garlicky and rosemary-ish with home-grown rhubarb in a crumble for pudding.

There are still people unaccounted for in Norway apparently and a huge number of seriously injured, I fear the death toll will become even higher, just dreadful.

I can't comment much on Amy Winehouse. I know de mortuis nihil nisi bonum generally applies but I'm afraid her lifestyle made yesterday's news sadly only too inevitable.

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24-07-2011, 01:00 PM   #4

Re: Turkish Delight Sunday

Morning people,

Yes the Norway sadness continues to unfurl, not sure you should or even can refuse to give him a chance in court. other wise............surely thats one step towards a dodgy road. Oh I don't know, thankfuly that will all be left to wiser people than I to decide.

Yes sad about Amy Winehouse, but you could almost see it coming could you not.

And yes you are right turkish delight was a grown up chocolate here too my Mom's choice on a Sunday night watching the TV.
Anyhow a nice day here too, cat cuddling here will be not happening due to no cats........... plant planting here may be the order of the day depending on how I feel.

PP so glad that you got to the anniversary sounds a lovely night. Angie hope Monty's walk goes well, and I have to say I popped into a friends Mom's yesterday and they have a mini schnauzer the high pitched bark really got to me....I kinda feel for you if Monty's is the same, although they did tell me she has calmed down in the lasty few months she is 11 months old called Millie.

Anyhow may have another cup of coffee and piece of toast. Roast beef for dinner here.

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24-07-2011, 01:30 PM   #5

Re: Turkish Delight Sunday

Hi all...

In one of those places where I'm glad to have got home from the inevitable Sunday morning out, and shut the door...

'Fraid my reaction to the Amy Winehouse news was 'who?' though I agree it was sad. Good seeing that the tragedy in Norway is still being recognised here though - so many places I go online Norway being ignored for the former... I'm guessing cause it's just too big, but it does seem to be a huge statement of the way things are here now!

Hope everyone has a good day.

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24-07-2011, 03:30 PM   #6

Re: Turkish Delight Sunday

Hi friends! The worst of the heat wave is abating; presently 30 C (86 F), and won't make the triple digits as it did yesterday, 102 F again. AC off, windows open and a nice breeze, chance of t'storms this afternoon. No news, out for grass, chat with an old friend, enjoying the Spotify that's on my computer now! Broiled trout and fresh spinach for dinner.

I was "Amy who?", also; such a sad waste of youth and talent. So many people in the entertainment business seem to have addiction problems; wonder if it's the stress and pressure to constantly succeed? Norway is almost too awful to think about; Kazz is right, restricting him from speaking his warped beliefs is a step in a wrong, repressive direction, hateful as they are.

I'll get off my soapbox now and wish all a lovely day!

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24-07-2011, 07:39 PM   #7

Re: Turkish Delight Sunday

Hello, all.
Sad about Amy Winehouse too.
Many of you know I have a past of addiction and I probably would have been dead at 27 too. I was cleaned up against my will just before my 26th birthday; much resisted and kept thinking about going back until I was 27..and then Kuan Yin came and things changed. Good thing I waited it out, isn't it?
K has a fever and checking in on him and such..
My Mom's birthday too..left her a message as she didn't pick up. Hope she got my gift in the mail yesterday.
Sunny and pretty here.
Have a good day!

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24-07-2011, 07:49 PM   #8

Re: Turkish Delight Sunday

evenng everyone,

My reaction to Amy winehouse wasnt really 1 of shock given what her likes were.

Hope everyone is havinga a good day and the sun is shining for you.

Had a busy day today. Started tidying the house, then went to see harry potter in 3d with Oh and my friend and his fiance. really good film!!!!

Back home an pulled our hall cupboard apart so i could get teh tumble dryer out of my hallway!!! Also got alot of rubbish out and got stuff put away in the garage and the bin room cupboard. Then finished the housework, been a really productive day

Just going to have a cuppa and a chocolate eclair yum yum

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dandysmom's Avatar
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24-07-2011, 07:59 PM   #9

Re: Turkish Delight Sunday

Happy birthday, Tink's Mom! Chocolate eclair, oh yummy, haven't had one in ages, Pamela!.

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angieh's Avatar
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24-07-2011, 08:02 PM   #10

Re: Turkish Delight Sunday

I know I said that the Norwegian murderer shouldn't be given the opportunity to broadcast his ravings, but his document is already on the Internet and seeing the way that the Norwegian nation has rallied round, people of all different ethnicities and religions coming together, it looks to me as if his horrendous crimes have had exactly the opposite effect. I have changed my opinion.

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