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26-03-2010, 08:47 PM   #1

What does your cat/s meow sound like?

Dylan's meow goes WOOOOOW when he wants food, MRAAOW when he wants attention and MEOW when he just wants to chat

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26-03-2010, 08:57 PM   #2

Re: What does your cat/s meow sound like?

Kizzy has never miaowed! She makes a very tiny little squeak when she spies a birdie though the window, but she chirrrups quite a lot, mainly as a greeting. That sounds like "prrrrrrp".

Pip has a larger vocal range. He used to do a real "miaoooow" when he was a kitten, but does that less so now. He makes sort of "grp" and grf" noises when he is playing, so I take it he's laughing!

Pip gets an A for purring, Kizzy an A++.

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26-03-2010, 09:08 PM   #3

Re: What does your cat/s meow sound like?

Max has chirrups and squeaks for me in the morning and a !rowwwwor! type moan when he's at the window askin to come in. I never actually heard him 'meaow' properly

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26-03-2010, 09:47 PM   #4

Re: What does your cat/s meow sound like?

Leia has a rather soft little MEW when she wants food, a PRRRP sort of greeting noise and a little MRRR when she responds to "Where's Leia?". She specializes in the silent miaow!

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27-03-2010, 12:48 AM   #5

Re: What does your cat/s meow sound like?

Frazier has a rumbling sort of meow usually, like hes rolling it in his throat. He doesnt "do" normal meows! Other than that he makes a lot of grumbly, rumbly sounds. The other other time I have heard him make a different sound is just as hes about to launch a play attack on one of his buddies, in which case its a really whingy drawn out meow!

Reese has a very plaintive meow that makes him sound like the world has set upon him. He has had this since a baby, when he yowled all the way back home in the car. Its quite heartbreaking to hear sometimes! He usually does this when hes just come into the house and wants reassurance that there is someone around. If he sees you he will run up to you with a delighted, cheery, trilling meow. If you call him he makes a purring trill, quite often followed up by a meow. He doesnt make any other sounds apart from meows and purring. He meows a lot!

Tiny Noah has an equally tiny meow, barely audible at times. Sometimes no sound even comes out, particularly if he is tired! Its almost more of a last-protest meow, even though he knows that he has no choice in the matter. If he gets upset (he got a little upset on the drive home before setting down and going to sleep) he makes a "pew" spacegun kind of sound. Reese did the same when he was this age. His tiny, thin, voiceless meow is soooo adorable. His purr on the other hand rocks the house! He is louder than any of the other cats, and he purrs at almost anything (even when he is having his claws inspected/being beaten up by Reese).

My firs cat, Fred (RIP), almost never made any sounds.

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27-03-2010, 12:55 AM   #6

Re: What does your cat/s meow sound like?

Funny how they are all so different! Max at nearly 18 does nt meow so much now, but its still loud when he does and quite piercing! Tess really does moew nowadays, over and over and over until she gets her way but then she is almost 16 and can be forgiven. Felix for all his size (5 and a half kg) has the most girly kitteny meow I have ever heard! Its like a kitten s meow bless him. And Maisie cannot meow at all, she hoots - its really strange! Almost like she s blowing a little trumpet - or she goes brrrr! in a very endearing way. But she doesnt meow and that a first for one of my cats! Jan x

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27-03-2010, 05:01 AM   #7

Re: What does your cat/s meow sound like?

My cat Bramble was very vocal and usually talked to me in something that sounded like "Mow Mow Mow Mow" In different little pitches and lengths. Very cute! Our other cat Podge used to make a funny little broken chirp that sounded like 'Mwwwah ah' whenever he wanted something but barely spoke other than that! Funny little things are kitties

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27-03-2010, 10:50 AM   #8

Re: What does your cat/s meow sound like?

Lol, I was in the vets once and someone had a cat in its carrier - I swear that that cat sounded like a person saying "Meow!" in a very grumpy voice! It didnt sound like a cat at all.

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27-03-2010, 04:24 PM   #9

Re: What does your cat/s meow sound like?

Dandy, my Pura boy, had a very odd little raspy meow; he sounded as if he needed to be oiled!

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27-03-2010, 08:59 PM   #10

Re: What does your cat/s meow sound like?

In the morning Felix has a very naggy kind of meow in the morning when he's trying to wake me up because he's asks for food then when I go downstairs I always go to toilet first and he just sits there while i'm on the toilet meowing then looking at the kitchen and at me.
Lily used be so vocal when she was outside and I called her she would go prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp! really loud. and when she was waking me up she would do that then purr and lie down on my stomach

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