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MrsH's Avatar
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25-01-2010, 11:32 AM   #1

Murky Monday

What a dismal looking day, very dull, a bit of sleety rain, yuck!

Just about to settle down for a cup of fresh coffee and maybe a biscuit or two, that should cheer me up I've just got back from the screening centre (was tempted to title the thread "Mammogram Monday" but thought better of it) It's a wonderful service but ooooooooh sooooooo uncomfortable Glad that's over for another 3 years!

Hope your week is starting well.

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Phoenix's Avatar
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25-01-2010, 11:53 AM   #2

Re: Murky Monday

Morning MrsH

I'll be ironing today and I think that's about all I'll be doing today, Dylan's decided to sleep under the clothes horse now

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angieh's Avatar
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25-01-2010, 12:04 PM   #3

Re: Murky Monday

Morning MrsH and RCR! Very dismal here today too.

You deserve the coffee and biscuits MrsH - I understand and sympathise. I have had to make a detour to a little cafe for a reassuring cuppa before even getting home in the past. It is a good service and a great thing to do regularly, but it is undeniably uncomfortable. A blood test would be less painful.

OH is having "the last go" at putting our new bird-table together. I asked him what he meant and he said that it's down the tip if it doesn't work. He said it quite cheerily though and he also said he is determined to finish it today. Birds say "tweet"!

Laundry here today and I think a bit of paperwork sorting.

Btw - for those that are interested in genealogy - I have taken a 6 month subscription to Family Tree and am impressed with the first issue. Loads of good advice and hints where to look!

Have a good day all. I do hope poorly people are feeling better today.

Edited to say: The bird-table is all assembled and out in the garden and has already had customers!

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25-01-2010, 01:49 PM   #4

Re: Murky Monday

Hi Everybody,
Not long since got back from the gym, had to force myself to go but boy do I feel good for having gone, its surprising how abit of fresh blood being pumped round your body can gee you up .

MrsH- hope you enjoyed your coffee and biscuit, you deserve it, never had one yet but dreading it when I do have to as they don`t sound very nice

RCR-Don`t envy you that task as I hate ironing.

Angie-Glad to hear that OH has finnished putting up the bird table, I bet it looks lovely.

Hope all the poorly people are feeling alot better today as well.

Bye for now Pauline & M&M

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25-01-2010, 05:26 PM   #5

Re: Murky Monday

The weather report was greatly overhyped, the heavy rains overnight produced .36" !!! But the storm dragged up very warm air from the Gulf, it's cloudy now but 15 degrees (59 F) as compared to yesterdays 1 degree at this time. What a relief. Leia was actually out birdwatching for a while, first in ages. No errands today so had a lie in.

I hate mammograms, uncomfortable isn't strong enough a word, how about painful?! Angie, pic of new bird table? Glad you had a good gym session, Leesy. As I've mentioned, RCR, I hate ironing!

Hope it's a good day for all, and the poorly people (and Eva!) are better soon.

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