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MrsH's Avatar
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10-12-2009, 09:39 AM   #1

Tip-top Thursday

Well it is here, so I hope your Thursday is good too!

It's absolutely beautiful outside, clear blue sky and not a breath of wind. I suspect it's a bit nippy but then it should be at this time of year shouldn't it?

We're off to Winchester this morning, just waiting for OH to finish in the bathroom so that I can get in there to wash my hair. We're going to visit their Christmas Fair which is held beside the cathedral, looking forward to picking up bits and pieces especially for SILs, etc.

Oops, he's out, I'm off now, bye!

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10-12-2009, 10:55 AM   #2

Re: Tip-top Thursday

Morning MrsH - have a great time in Winchester. D'you know all the 100s of times I've driven past on the motorway or on the A34 and I've never been into the centre. I imagine it's a bit like Salisbury which I love.

It's bright and sunny here too, not that cold yet but I understand it'll chill down as the day progresses (according to the rather over-acting TV weatherman yesterday)

My blasted sinusitis is back; behind the other eye this time! Started feeling ill in Waitrose last night and only just managed to get through my dinner before falling into bed last night. Can't wait to be shot of this as it's starting to get me down!

We are going to do a Secret Santa at work today - all the pressies are under the tree. It was meant to be a smutty one but I didn't have time to source a smutty gift so mine's a boring one instead.

All work and personal cards are written (and Catsey ones too), just got to frank about 200 of them now - so will hopefully be sending them all off early next week

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angieh's Avatar
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10-12-2009, 01:28 PM   #3

Re: Tip-top Thursday

Morning Mrs H, morning Yola! Yes an absolutely glorious day here - blue sky, no wind, a little bit nippy. Beautiful. Gardener has lifted my dahlia tubers this morning - I can't believe how many there are ..... grown from seed about 4 years ago. First time they've been lifted, so I need to find out how to store them properly. One reason I LOVE the internet.

Had a big load of logs delivered this morning - just after 7.00 a.m.!!! OH was up to take the delivery and now has the job of stacking them, but has come in for a coffee break. We have some friends popping in later this afternoon after they too have been to the Fair at Winchester, so I wonder if they'll bump into Mr and MrsH ..... I find that amusing to think of, as of course, they don't know each other from Adam - I do get amused by odd things!!!

Sorry about your sinusitis again Yola - is there anything that can be done to give you some respite from it? I remember years ago a friend used to go and have hers scraped! Sounds horrid, but used to give her years pain free.

Hope everyone enjoys today especially if you have blue sky!

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10-12-2009, 04:03 PM   #4

Re: Tip-top Thursday

Winchester was so lovely, should have taken a camera. I had no idea that the Christmas market was so big! So many little wooden chalets all around the south side of the cathedral and there's an ice rink there too for the holiday period.

Bought some handmade soap and bath salts, a handmade glass dish, pewter dish and spoon, some pretty blue and white china, an unusual glass light pull cord thingy and could have spent a fortune there on things that I'd like for myself but I was very restrained. Heavenly spicy scents from the stalls with dried citrus fruit/cinnamon hangings and potpourri type things, just couldn't resist.

We parked in the Park and Ride carpark on St Catherine's Hill (£2.70 per day) and the free buses run every 15 minutes,saved having to try and park in the centre of town. It's years since I've been to Winchester, lovely historic place.

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10-12-2009, 05:17 PM   #5

Re: Tip-top Thursday

Sunny here but bitterly cold, wind chill is -4!! Actually 2 (36 F), but too cold for me; wimped out and went back to sleep' errands can wait. So no news really.

Yola, so sorry you're feeling poorly, MrsH, that sounds like a lovely Fair at Winchester. The scents reminded me I need to get some oranges to make pomander balls. Good luck with the dahlia tubers, Angie. I can't leave mine in the ground, cold kills them here. I've grown the miniatures from seed, lovely!

Hope it's a good day for all!

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10-12-2009, 08:43 PM   #6

Re: Tip-top Thursday

Hi guys!
Oh I am so jealous that Christmas Fair sounds so much like my kind of thing!!! Next time you must take pictures!!!
Sunny and cold. Got down to single digits this morning, was teens by the time I woke, and now we are nearing 20s..shall even see 30s today maybe! Yippee! (?)
Must, must clean today. And work on Christmas cards! PM me if you want one
The kitties and ferrets xmas prezzies arrived yesterday!!! Do you know how hard it was to hide them?!! I had two cats frantic to find out what was in the box. Not till Christmas, my lovelies!
The ferret in the shelter I sponsored to be Santa to this year should get his package today. I can't wait to hear what he thinks of it. I'm kind of secretly hoping the shelter operator will send me a pic of him with his gifts but they're so terribly busy it'd probably be silly to ask. As long as he likes them! He is blind and deaf and my heart just goes out to him, he deserves a good Christmas this year!
Hope all are well today, have a good one

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