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dandysmom's Avatar
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06-12-2009, 05:04 PM   #1

Shivering Sunday

It is sunny but COLD! 0 (29F), and windy. We actually got only 2/10ths of an inch in the City as it was hovering near the freezing mark all day so just melting on impact. A thoroughly yucky day and not going to warm up much. The surrounding areas got from 4 to 7". Stuck indoors all day and not going outside today either, so no news from here. Hope it's sunny and warmer where you are, enjoy, whatever you're doing.

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calismum's Avatar
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06-12-2009, 05:39 PM   #2

Re: Shivering Sunday

Sun out today but cold and feels much colder as we have a very strong wind.

Spent day in garden tidying up until my ears could stand it no longer!! I was wrapped up against the cold but was getting warm due to the heavy work. Every time I 'stripped off' I got cold again so gave up.

Enjoying time by the fire. Trying to decide what to eat tonight.

Bet you're glad the snow is not too bad DM even if it did mean you were kept inside.

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angieh's Avatar
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06-12-2009, 06:12 PM   #3

Re: Shivering Sunday

It started with heavy rain this morning, but being Sunday I had a bit of a lie-in and went back to sleep and when I awoke there was blue sky. It's been blue sky and sunny all day and quite warm until mid afternoon. It's rained again since though.

I went out to P@H in Chichester and realise why I don't like going shopping. I couldn't get the cat litter I wanted and I found that although their Christmas doggie stand is full of lovely things, there was nothing much for our special feline friends. I was disappointed.

I came home the cross country way and came across several lanes that were partially flooded. It's always the way isn't it that all the traffic and people congregate around a big puddle across the road - at the largest one, there were about 4 cars coming the other way and a family out for their Sunday walk with baby in pushchair. I expect that baby got quite wet, as it was nearest to the puddle! If I had been with them, baby would have been out of the pushchair and held up for safety's sake. Luckily the car drivers had more sense and drove very slowly.

That's all from here for now! Hope everyone had a good Sunday. We have pork chops and apple sauce, pots, carrots and broccoli for supper. Yum.

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Tink's Avatar
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06-12-2009, 07:08 PM   #4

Re: Shivering Sunday

Currently 34F and quite windy. Another advisory until 4am Monday.
Just going to stop by the library and possibly pick up some groceries today.
We braved the masses yesterday so I could get some last minute festive items for Christmas. I'm all done with my holiday shopping..yay!

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