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janey83's Avatar
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06-11-2009, 01:04 PM   #1

Fridays daily

Morning all,

It was misty this morning but has cleared up and is just cloudy.

I went to a pubs bonfire last night and they were setting fireworks off and I think they just had a boxed one that you just put on the ground, they lit it and all of a sudden one shot off in to the trees at the back (phew) then one shot off to the left side of the bonfire which exploded on the grass , then one shot off into the crowd where we were , everyone moved but some didn't, then the firework exploded... luckily no one got hurt!

Not got anythin planned for today apart from clearing out things in my room.

Have a good day all.

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PoshPuss's Avatar
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06-11-2009, 04:32 PM   #2

Re: Fridays daily

We have the decorators in.I don't know whether to be happy or sad coz it's going to be a lot of work (new ceiling,strip walls, plaster etc) and then there's the disruption; Oh, madam isn't pleased We have to carry her out of the French windows to the kitchen and then back to the dining room where we have decided to camp out til alls done. She's not having any of it,mwing and scratching the doors to get to her windowsill... this is going to be a long week ...
See you later !

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angieh's Avatar
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06-11-2009, 05:07 PM   #3

Re: Fridays daily

Oh poor Posh! We had major rebuilding about 3 years ago and Merlin was SO good considering we had to keep moving his litter tray. Had a couple of accidents, but used lots of plastic sheet so no problems clearing up. It wasn't his fault. Our works went on for about 8 months, so dear Posh will manage for a week .......................... will you though????

Another laundry day today, but as it's pouring with rain dear old tumble dryer will be working hard today.

There were fireworks about last night, but nothing too close and Kizzy and Pip didn't turn a hair - I'm thinking tomorrow evening may be worse if it's not too wet.

Whose having fish and chips for supper tonight???? I am!!! (yes, we have it every Friday - oven baked).

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dandysmom's Avatar
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06-11-2009, 05:18 PM   #4

Re: Fridays daily

Hi all, sunny and very brisk today, 6 degrees! Wore gloves for the first time since Spring; a long cold wait for the bus of course; wind was making it feel colder than it was. Still no frost yet, thank goodness. To the bank and market, nothing special on the agenda for the day.

Janey, that was a scary episode at the pub! Poor Posh, they do so hate having their comfortable routine upset. Soup, salad and a roll here tonight, Angie; glad the furries weren't troubled by the fireworks.

Hope it's a good day for all.

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yola's Avatar
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06-11-2009, 09:07 PM   #5

Re: Fridays daily

No fish n chips; seafood pasta though (spicy)!! Yummy

Busy day, shopping in the morning and cleaning/playing with Sebi in the afternoon. Boys desptached to bed so not quite sure what to do now . . . might set up [Sys edit: Contains pet forums] and twitter on my blackberry which is now receiving emails

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MrsH's Avatar
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06-11-2009, 09:25 PM   #6

Re: Fridays daily

Very muddy dog during this morning's walk so he had to have a fairly thorough shampooing of his (very) hairy legs and undercarriage when we got back. He took ages to dry as for once he wouldn't sit still for the hairdryer. A quick lunch then I had my hair appointment, postponed from earlier in the week as they've been having a salon re-fit (looks superb but I wouldn't like to be in charge of cleaning the shiny black tiled floor!) My stylist has a baby due in April so at some point I'll have to get used to someone else putting up with me!

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angieh's Avatar
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07-11-2009, 12:13 AM   #7

Re: Fridays daily

We had more and louder fireworks tonight, a few quite loud bangs. Kizzy was dozing in Pip's crate again and looked up but as I was with her and said a few calming words, she settled again - happened a few times. There are still a few whizz bangs going off now as I type - after 11.00 pm is a bit late I think. Pip was in the lounge and away from any noises, so was not worried by the bangs. I am very glad that Kizzy didn't go out.

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