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PixieCat's Avatar
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23-03-2009, 09:33 AM   #1

pedigree personalities

My first real post so I hope Ive done it right. We have a moggie but are getting a Devon Rex in a few months and i wondered if other cat owners found that pedigree cats are true to their breed profile personality traits as dogs usually are. We are looking forward to getting our impish cat as our moggie is very laid back. Anyone?

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23-03-2009, 09:47 AM   #2

Re: pedigree personalities

I have 4 pedigree cats..
2 Siamese, who are true to their breed, can be very aloof, and when the mood takes them can be very affectionate...Very much people cats and will complain bitterly if they do not get their own way..
2 Exotics....who are more affectionate, but on their terms..
The friendliest one I have and the cuddliest is my rescue white & ginger moggy, Chancer, he is laid back, bothers about nothing and loves everyone...

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23-03-2009, 09:48 AM   #3

Re: pedigree personalities

I have two Maine coons from the same litter , both are very different personality wise.

Myrtle is like a typical Maine coon, fetches like a dog, constantly chirping, tho not into being molly cuddled.
enjoys brushing, and playing in the bath. Maine coons are not meant to be lap cats.

Marmalade, not into fetching (maybe Myrtle takes over)
doesn't chirp as much, loves cuddles , jumps on my knee for company at least twice a day, will be molly cuddled all day if she could. loves to be held like a baby and have her chin rubbed. You are safe to do anything to her and she wont moan or run away, tho doesn't like brushing sessions tho.

I though it was very strange to have such different personalities from two kittens from the same litter.

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23-03-2009, 04:37 PM   #4

Re: pedigree personalities

I've had three pedigrees and they pretty much lived up to the breed profiles. My Siamese was very vocal, and very intelligent. My Abyssinian was extremely active, frighteningly smart and a bit aloof with strangers. My Singapura was very people oriented, a real lap cat, afraid of nothing.

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23-03-2009, 04:53 PM   #5

Re: pedigree personalities

My Siamese is timid and aloof with those she doesn't know, she is cautious and doesn't like change, a loud noise and she will be gone behind the sofa, but with those she does know she does like a cuddle and likes warm spots and sunspots and likes to be brushed. All my cats are vocal and she is by no means the most or least vocal, somewhere in between really, but the noises she does make are not usually cat like noises, more strange mumblings. Clever, but not the cleverest. Likes to hide in wee cubby holes and things, behind or under sofas and beds and units e.t.c.

The rest of mine are moggies, some very vocal some not so much, all bar one are pretty much bombproof, very cuddly with anyone who sits down long enough, love the dogs and will often play with them.

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