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05-02-2009, 09:58 AM   #1


Morning campers!! We have snow, although not much pitching...but really cold today.....Will have to look out my snow suit for dog walking!!
Got a trolley dsh, and some ironing later, otherwise just see what the day brings....
Have a good one everybody....

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05-02-2009, 10:07 AM   #2

Re: Thursday...Daily...

I hope Mags is OK - it's pretty bad in her area.
We've lost all our snow - a balmy 4 or 5C already. Let's hope we've seen the last of it.
I'm off to market - can you imagine how cold those poor people manning stalls must be - and then back for a bit of a house tidy and some washing. I did something I've probably not done for half a century this morning and tipped a bowl of cereal in my lap Serves me right for reading and eating at the same time. However, I need to get my clothes washed before the milk stinks.
Have as good a day as you can everyone, and drive safely if you have to go out in the snow and ice

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05-02-2009, 10:17 AM   #3

Re: Thursday...Daily...

Morning Moli, DM! No snow here either although as you say poor Mags may be buried under a drift - it's amazing how different it is here today - quite warm and very, very grey - I would think we'll get some rain. Natalie might also have snow - lucky she's on holiday!

Sorry to hear about the cereal DM - was it a very interesting book? Not had my breakfast yet, as we wait for MIL.

Have a good day everyone and keep safe.

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05-02-2009, 10:39 AM   #4

Re: Thursday...Daily...

Just spoken to Elaine, she is snowed in, cannot get out to walk dogs today...although she is her ever cheerful self....

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05-02-2009, 10:54 AM   #5

Re: Thursday...Daily...

It's LOADED with snow here . . . very pretty! I took some pics on my phone whilst driving in which I'll post shortly. Thankfully I didn't slide too much but it was very slippy. OH came in my car as his is well and truly grounded.

I have some complex writing to do today; I need to read it very carefully as it's about the psychology of positive thinking; for a chap who runs courses in this kind of material. I'll need to focus on that carefully for a bit. Also have a lunchtime meeting off site with a member of staff which usually means down to the pub for a glass of wine and some chips!!

Take care out there everyone - stay warm

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05-02-2009, 10:58 AM   #6

Re: Thursday...Daily...

Morning all!

Sorry to hear about the cereal incident DM! The sort of thing I'd probably do too

I watched a really interesting programme on Terry Pratchett and Alzeihmers last night; I love Pratchett's work but have never really watched any interviews with him. It was a really touching film. Terry's really witty (to be expected) and strong, and angry at the disease, and doing his best to fight it; but there were such sad moments when he was at a reading of his book and couldn't read the page. It's a cruel twist of fate that the type he has specifically attacks his visual cortex, which will affect his writing and reading skills, which for an author is the last thing they'd want to lose.

Anyway, just a normal day here. Going to a new dance class tonight that I haven't been able to get to the past two weeks due to being ill. Should be fun! Got lots on at the weekend so lots to look foward to

There was still snow on the ground when I woke up this morning, it's very rare for it to lie over night, but it's not snowing now so it may melt by this evening. Stay warm everyone!

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05-02-2009, 10:58 AM   #7

Re: Thursday...Daily...

Well we have about 6" to 8" in places here in the Midlands which is almost unheard of here as we rarely hit the bad weather. In the just off centre of Birmingham. Its about 5" here, and still flurries coming down.A really nice layer upon layer of snow, looks lovely and not to cold either alough it ppears some cities have run of of rocksalt for the roads...a relative in Worcs said they have only a few main roads open. Schools closed again. Taken Sal out this morning and she adored it well so did I this was about 7.30ish, christened my new Wellies too. really good.Been to the corner shop got the paper, going to pop out later. Just had breakfast, really nice.Everyone stay safe and upright.

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05-02-2009, 11:03 AM   #8

Re: Thursday...Daily...

I can join in today, as I have the day off. I had driven to work, on windy, narrow, hilly country roads, scaring myself witless, and as I pulled up outside my work ,the phone rang to say not to bother.
So, after a scary drive home, only getting stuck twice but skidding loads of times, I abandoned the car in the yard and won't be driving it again today. If they want me in for the afternoon surgery, I'm walking!

Everybody stay warm and safe today, and if it snowing, don't go out, unless you really have to.

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05-02-2009, 01:13 PM   #9

Re: Thursday...Daily...

We have the same farthing can't get my car out so am having a snow say in with the dogs who are having a blast I had 2 Border Collies resembling walking snowmen and very unhappy Jack Russell Jazz as the snow is up over her back and she is a long legged Jack!

Young cats are haviong a blast and the older ones - anything over 5 are looking out with that knowing look that they are dry and parents do provide litter trays!

We had about 6 inches of snow between 05.30am and 9.00 and the sky is grey and looks like more to come

So currently off to light the wood burner and curl up with the kids

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05-02-2009, 02:48 PM   #10

Re: Thursday...Daily...

Its snowing here but it just isn't sticking. I only live 1/2 mile from the beach so I guess its not surprising.

Walked the dogs very quickly. Bess found some horse Manure and thought it was very tasty!!!!! Taken my tumble dryer to get fixed. Typically it breaks down this week when I'm in desperate need of it.

Thinking of making Corned Beef Hash for the kids for tea and then I'm taking Millie to Manchester tonight to see High School Musical on ice tour in the MEN. Hope the weather is ok? Would rather be sat on the fire to be honest.

Merlin has been out all morning in the snowy conditions but is back in. Must try and get a picture for the competition. Belle is camera shy so its gonna have to be Merlin's turn yet again.

Anyone for a hot chocolate with marshmallows?

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