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16-11-2008, 11:42 AM   #1

Daily thread ~ Sunday

Morning all!

Rather grey and overcast here but at least it's dry and mild. Need to go out and clear some fallen leaves before the rain comes.

Nothing special happening here, just the usual jobs about the house.

I have an appointment with my dentist tomorrow morning to rebuild a broken tooth........ nice!

Hope all the poorly people and pets will feel better soon...

Have a lovely day!

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16-11-2008, 11:54 AM   #2

Re: Daily thread ~ Sunday

Morning Mags - the day started beautifully here but is clouding over now. isn't it brilliant to see the sun in November and have it warm? Our usual winter sun seems to be on those lovely crisp frosty days.
I too must do some garden tidying, whilst Oh and Dinah have gone to watch rugby and have a walk. Then prepare our Sunday feast which will be duck breast with spiced plums, saute potatoes (in duck fat) sprouts and then just plain freash mango for after. Mmm. Mouth watering at the thought.
Hope everyone who wasn't feeling good is on the road to recovery now. Trouble is that if you get seriously low at the start of winter you often don't properly pick up until Spring is well and truly here. However, it must only be 5 weeks or less to the shortest day, and so far, so good. (I still shudder at having to put lights on at 4pm on the gloomist days though) Then, if we can make it through January it becomes so much easier. Must stop wishing my life away. I saw an article saying the average lifespan is about 800 months. If you think in those terms then wishing the next 2 away is a terrible crime!
Have a good day all

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16-11-2008, 01:06 PM   #3

Re: Daily thread ~ Sunday

Dm I couldn't help laughing at that comment of 'wishing your life away' and you're wishing away 2 months out of 800! It's a good philosophy though Make the most of every day.

A gorgeously sunny day here, I had a proper lie in so am still in my dressing gown :shy: Will head out for a leisurely stroll to the supermarket and just take it easy. I ended up going out for drinks with another friend last night, so the weekend wasn't a complete loss. I missed X-Factor last night though so will need to catch up tonight!

A small but great acheivement for me, I managed to nail up three pictures in the newly painted hall last night. They're all the same size and in a row and I didn't use a ruler, just angled it up in my head, and they all sit at the same height and same distance apart! Looking quite good if I do say so myself

Have a good day all!

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pinklizzy's Avatar
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16-11-2008, 01:17 PM   #4

Re: Daily thread ~ Sunday

Afternoon all,
Cold, wet and miserable here today, I've spent most of the morning doing the housework, assisted by Imogen
Heading out to the supermarket in a little while, taking my recycling which has piled up this week-it makes you realise just how much stuff we used to throw away. Not much else planned though, if the rain stops, might take Imogen out again, don't think she'd appreciate the rain

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16-11-2008, 05:01 PM   #5

Re: Daily thread ~ Sunday

Hi, all! Very cold today, only 5C and the wind chill is 1C! And mostly cloudy, which doesn't help. Most of the remaining leaves are down because of the howling winds with the cold front that came thru yesterday...hope my nice neighbor with the leaf blower will appear soon, or I'll have to get out the rake! Starting to lug in the pot plants as frost is finally forecast for the City...end of the growing season... . Been to the market for goodies: having shrimp creole tonight.

Stay dry and warm, as DM said the Solstice isn't that far off and the days will start getting longer.

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16-11-2008, 06:12 PM   #6

Re: Daily thread ~ Sunday

I know the days half over this side of the pond, only now I can relax and enjoy your company
Wrap up warm in Washington DM, coz that sounds very chilly there. Been a funny old grey day here, constant mizzle (mist/drizzle)... not that I've been out. Catching up on book work and essay writing
I'll pop off and see whats been occurring!

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16-11-2008, 06:24 PM   #7

Re: Daily thread ~ Sunday

Gorgeous day here today. Spent it in garden. Finished off making steps down the bank, put up couple bits of trellis and added to my leaf mould pile. Dug over some weedy bits. It was so nice we had a coffee sitting out at the table ( we were wrapped up, just nice to have no wind)

Poor birds - I ran out of seed and never got any yesterday. The resident robin was not impressed.

Going to see new James Bond tonight - OH is big fan - haven't read any reviews so no idea what to expect.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend folks

- hope it is a bit warmer for you tomorrow DM - sound very bitter over there.

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16-11-2008, 07:12 PM   #8

Re: Daily thread ~ Sunday

Well cheer up you lot winter and late Autumn like now are great days.....all the "warm weather/bank holiday dog walkers" have hibenated leaving only those diehards out there pounding the greens.....which is lovely "or will be when Sal can go off lead" stitches out Thursday then onward and upward. The boys are so alive and lively now it is scary ready for homes of their own me thinks.

Brought a new quilt set duck egg blue and cream, my new wardrobes were delivered in the week...and in situ almost now.
Not finished the room yet still a few finishing touches then I'll get a few pictures for you if you like....

Brought a new rug today for the living room too...brings i all together well. And then because I could I think a few bits pieces like picture frames and lovely bunch of roses for the coffee table and a bunch of Lillies for the hall the scent will be great, they are really tall too, had to get my glass vase out which is about 2ft high....

Also brought a new chip pan....

So all in all a good day here even with the rain.

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16-11-2008, 09:19 PM   #9

Re: Daily thread ~ Sunday

hi all. it is sunny and a bit nippy over here in washington. interesting to read your weather,dandysmom! last night so foggy i started thinking about how i'll probably be limiting my driving soon enough with all the snow and ice, LOL. i dread driving in that as i'm from CA and the last three winters i spent here i was too scared to drive in it on purpose once it comes ...but i live in washington now so i better get used to it!! hahaha...
last night i was getting cabin fever so OH took me out for a bite to eat and to joanns to buy some fabric for some new projects! it was very fun. picked up a very cute shooting stars (yellow and blue) print for the boys in fleece, a swirly blue fleece for lining, and some batting from walmart b/c it was cheaper there. had to take advantage of the veterans day sale at joanns though. can you believe i'd never been there before?
friends a little upset at us because we were going to hang out with them and then something at home caused us to have to rush off..she has not returned my messages! oh well, i can't worry about that as i have apologized already. out of my hands now.
just some chores i supsect today and the weekly cleaning of the ferret nursery and cage which means some exercise on my part. might possibly have to run some errands as well. i have no gas in my car! LOL.
hope all is well with you everyone and you have a great day.

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