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07-11-2008, 08:32 AM   #1

Friday daily.

I'm feeing down today. Its not like me at all as normally im a positive person. I think it is because I'm struggling with Millie at the moment and I am desperate for a good job that has 'normal hours'. To only have 1 day a month off with your husband and kids just isn't acceptable anymore.

Anyway, must clear my head of all this stuff which is whizzing around my brain. Need to walk the dog and get some fresh air. May take him to the vet (see arthritis thread ) if I get chance or wait till tomorrow. Have a huge pile of ironing to do but I have a hot date tonight with hubby and Bond! I'm sure 2 hours in the cinema with him will soon put a smile on my face. That's Daniel Craig and not my hubby!!

Happy one week anniversary Merlin. Although you have only been in our lives for 7 days, we feel you have been with us forever. You have uplifted our hearts again.

Have a great day everyone. Now who is hogging the sunshine??????

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07-11-2008, 08:48 AM   #2

Re: Friday daily.

Hi - Sorry you are feeling down. The ironing will wait. Take the dog for a nice walk & get home, put the fire on - get a coffee and chill out.

I'm at work now & I'm working all day and then this evening I am moving a litter of kittens from me onto another fosterer.

Might be on tonight.

I'd better get soem work done now.

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dinahsmum's Avatar
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07-11-2008, 10:21 AM   #3

Re: Friday daily.

Matron - Chin up. Sun's shining here, so I hope it will shine on you soon and make things look brighter for you. If not, I'm sure Daniel Craig will this evening! Do you remember him in Our Friends in ther North? Fantastic series, but Geordie was far from a hearthrob James Bond.

Have to do a bit of bank visits, shopping etc etc, and will enjoy a long walk with Dinah soon. Am planning next summer holiday(!). Bit early I know but it's Mr 'Smum's BIG birthday and we want to do something nice. Looks like it will be a self tailored trip to the south of France ... but I'll let you know. Plenty of time and more events before that.

Bye for now - have a good and bright day.

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07-11-2008, 11:09 AM   #4

Re: Friday daily.

Morning all. Sorry to hear you're not so chipper Matron. It's good you've recognised the potential source of your feelings (your job) and are making positive moves toward changing this! Change is on the way and you'll be feeling better in no time Bond is a good quick fix pick-me-up

I'm pretty stressed at work, far too busy. Not just normal busy (which I enjoy as it keeps boredom at bay!) but a lack of management means I'm probably doing too much and then after Christmas will have nothing to do. I've tried raising this issue and saying I probably have too much on but there's not much that can be done except doing the work and suffering through it!

Minsky seemed very despondent when I left today. He was hoping for a good play with the ball I think. Looking forward to getting home this evening already Although I'm working a normal workday tomorrow (outwith my normal Mon-Fri routine) so it'll only be a one day weekend for me

My stint at the gym seems to be paying off. I felt a lot more lithe today than I have done in a while. So am more motivated to get back at it tonight!

Hope everyone has a good day!

(Oh and Eileen, from y'days thread, I haven't taken my coat to the dry cleaners yet :shy: But I just spotted that a new one has opened up directly round the corner from my flat so will take it there tomorrow!)

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07-11-2008, 11:14 AM   #5

Re: Friday daily.

Right morning is bright and I am off to work, the kits are great. Sal is great everything is good here.

Sorry you are a little fed up Matron, how did your interview go?
DM.....sounds like my kinds ideal day you are having.

Have a good day all be good till I get home.


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dinahsmum's Avatar
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07-11-2008, 11:57 AM   #6

Re: Friday daily.

Right - that's the 'must do' town type things done, so I'm here for a quickie and then off out to the woods. It's beeee-autiful here - we had a long period without sun and were beginning to get a bit SADD - although the sun is very low and reflecting off still wet roads to cause temporary lack of vision.

Bentley caught - and killed - a wren just before I went out. Oh, I wish he wouldn't. Chester doesn't aim for anything bigger or more dangerous than a moth. I've got a bell on him - there's not much more I can do. He won't eat it - just wants to play; he was patting and throwing the still soft limp body as I went off. He's got wise to me, and although he still brings things for me to see, will no longer exchange them for a biscuit.

The scullcap and valerian seems to be having a very positive effect on Chester. Unfortunately it comes as sugar coated pills, and stuffing pills doesn't seem the best way to de-stress a stressed cat, so I'm squashing them and putting them in his food. There is a very strong smell, so there must be a taste too; he is taking ages to clear his plate, but he is a good boy and soldiers on. Anyway, if he continues to progress as now, it won't be for too much longer.

meep - one way to get through to inefficient/non-understanding managers is to write a list of your work and ask them either which they are happy for you not to do, alternatively, ask them to rank in order of importance and then say that those tasks at the bottom of the list are unlikely to be completed. Easier said than done maybe, but it's worth getting something down on paper, both by you and them, in case there are any issues later.


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07-11-2008, 01:46 PM   #7

Re: Friday daily.


I'll be attempting to make a few biscuits today, some voluntary work, some ironing and some shopping for Dylan (and getting some flowers for Beauty's grave)

I'm still very upset about what happened with Beauty, I feel as if I'm to blame for it still! Take a long time for those feelings to die down probably.

Phoning the vets on Monday, get an appointment for Dylan to get his booster jab (and find out what he's like with the vet)

Wish me luck on Monday!

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07-11-2008, 04:52 PM   #8

Re: Friday daily.

good afternoon all. i had such a bad day yesterday, so today i had to do a catchup day. i broke the zip on my warmest coat yesterday. wasnt imperssed
so managed to get a similar coat from PDSA shop. so im happier about that
reggies quiet happily sitting on the sofa, hes got wind today. little tinker LOL

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07-11-2008, 05:43 PM   #9

Re: Friday daily.

Hi, all! Unseasonably warm and lovely today, already 20C before lunch; this would be Indian Summer if we'd had a frost. Must enjoy, it won't last! Went to the bank and market, nothing special on for the afternoon. Get to pick out new glasses tomorrow! The optician's right down the block from the library; two birds with one stone.

Matron: hope the evening will cheer you up, and happy one week anniversary to little Merlin!
BM: glad you found nice new coat so quickly!
Meep: excellent advice from DM.
RCR: cuddle to Dylan, hope he's a good boy Monday.

May the sun shine on everyone for the weekend!

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angieh's Avatar
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07-11-2008, 05:44 PM   #10

Re: Friday daily.

So sorry you're feeling low Matron - do hope you manage to find the perfect job soon.

DM - very sorry about that little wren. My second most favourite garden bird.

Merlin has been a very good boy today with his food and has already eaten a whole sachet of his sensitive food. Who knows, he might manage to eat another one before bed time.

I have had a lovely day out with OH and MIL. A bright and warm day here with blue sky, after days of heavy cloud. We had ordered an oak mantelshelf and corbels and went to collect them from the mill. Quite a long round trip but saw all the autumnal colour in the countryside and had lunch out at a pub. Got back just before it started to rain.

I wish everyone else could have had as nice a day.

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