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Catsey Senior
Cats owned: B&W Semi-Long Hair Moggy
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Location: Essex, UK
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Darky is Male
04-11-2008, 03:24 PM   #1

Darky Vs. Broken Glass

I am stupid.

I was doing the washing up, and I wandered off to get a mug 'n' glass from the other side of the kitchen. When I got to the sink, I picked up a glass to wash - only to find that it had smashed in the sink.

So I pulled out the plug and started removing all of the cups... I put the glass to one side, and then I picked up the broken piece of glass... INCORRECTLY. It slipped and I tried to grasp it to stop it from falling, causing it to dig into my hand and slice the middle (the joint) of my left middle finger.

The next thing I knew, I was jogging upstairs with blood pumping out of my finger and streaming down my arm - I have never seen so much blood. It was literally pumping out of the wound.

I went into my Mum's bedroom all, "UHM. I CUT MYSELF. WHAT DO I DO?" whilst trying not to panic.

She took me to the bathroom and cleaned it, rather shocked at the amount of blood. Luckily there was one old, massive plaster left to put on it. It's still beeding under the plaster, but hopefully it'll stop soon.

God, I'm shaking.

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04-11-2008, 03:28 PM   #2

Re: Darky Vs. Broken Glass

That's scary. I cut my hand on a broken glass bowl when we were moving house back in 1997; not only was it very painful but the amount of blood too was frightening.

If it doesn't abate by the evening Darky I would maybe go and see a nurse to see if it needs stitching, especially being on your finger joint each movement maybe open the wound up again.

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04-11-2008, 03:28 PM   #3

Re: Darky Vs. Broken Glass

If blood is pumping out and still bleeding then you need to go to A&E in case the glass has damaged more than just skin and minor tissue. Take off the plaster as apply pressure to the wound also which will help it to stop in time.

Poor you though. Done the same trick as few years ago now and OUCH

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Catsey Senior
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04-11-2008, 03:38 PM   #4

Re: Darky Vs. Broken Glass

Originally Posted by yola
That's scary. I cut my hand on a broken glass bowl when we were moving house back in 1997; not only was it very painful but the amount of blood too was frightening.

If it doesn't abate by the evening Darky I would maybe go and see a nurse to see if it needs stitching, especially being on your finger joint each movement maybe open the wound up again.
It's all nicely disinfected, so - first I'm going to give it a chance to calm down and heal up a bit, because I currently cannot get anywhere.

When the plaster is off I'll get to see if it'll be worth going to the walk-in centre or not. C:

Originally Posted by Matron
If blood is pumping out and still bleeding then you need to go to A&E in case the glass has damaged more than just skin and minor tissue. Take off the plaster as apply pressure to the wound also which will help it to stop in time.

Poor you though. Done the same trick as few years ago now and OUCH
It seems to have calmed down mostly now, the plaster is managing to stop it from bleeding for the most past. C:

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04-11-2008, 05:44 PM   #5

Re: Darky Vs. Broken Glass

Oh ouch! Sorry to hear of your wee accident Darky. It sounds like you've taken care of it nicely and I'm sure you'll be sensible enough to head along to A&E if it isn't right and like a normal cut by tomorrow.

Take it easy and put your feet up tonight

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04-11-2008, 10:59 PM   #6

Re: Darky Vs. Broken Glass

Scary indeed! That is a problem with being by a joint; might hinder it healing. Is it possible to immobilize the finger with a home-made splint to give it a chance to heal?

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