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06-10-2008, 09:22 PM   #1

So frustrated!

The 4 hyperthyroid cats were in for blood tests at the end of last week to see how their levels were. Samson will not stabilise, and was put onto Vidalta to see if it was better than felimazole, when diagnosed he was sitting at about 190 ( should be between 10-55), and he was 100 when last tested 2 months ago. Tabatha, our new cat, was 300 when diagnosed and was 70 about 2 months ago (just before we got her). Well I got the results back today and they are both back up at their original levels. Mike has been giving them their tablets for the last week or so, because on the op on my hand (didn't want to risk a clawing!). Now I know he has a bad memory, but he wouldn't have forgotten to give them their medication every day, and I did infact count the tablets and figure out that they may have missed a couple of days but have generally had them. I am so annoyed as we have been trying to get Samson stable for 2 years now, and he definately gets them as he is the easiest cat in the world to give tablets to. I can only guess its the tablets. Our vet has called the company and they are giving us free tablets and a free blood test before and after, but I'm worried about the damage done and the time taken to fix it. I keep wondering if we've done something wrong. We are still waiting for Smudge and Spice's results to come in, I will be gutted if they are high as well, mainly because they are on different meds and have been stable the last 2 blood samples. AWWWWW.

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06-10-2008, 10:54 PM   #2

Re: So frustrated!

I'm so sorry, it must be very worrying for you...

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Catsey Veteran
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06-10-2008, 11:22 PM   #3

Re: So frustrated!

Yes Mags, I am quite worried, especially about Samson he just will not stabilse and the vet has mentioned he might need an op. He is a special boy, the kindest, friendliest, happiest cat you could ever meet.
Tabatha has just started to come round to us and is now coming up for cuddles. She has to be sedated when blood tested as she is so wriggly, and that in itself is a risk, but she's not bad to give tablets to.
I really would prefer to avoid the op as it is so risky, and they aren't stable anyway.
Does anybody else have hyperthyroid cats- what medication are they on and how long did they take to get stable.

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07-10-2008, 08:15 PM   #4

Re: So frustrated!

Well to add to my frustration both Smudge and Spice are also high, and they are both on felimazole. Smudge is up at 300 and was only 90 when diagnosed in december and Spice is over 90 and she was only just hyper when diagnosed, in fact it was a toss up whether we treated her or not. We have just found out that the company who do the tests (IDEXX) have changed the method, so that is the only thing I can now think has gone wrong. The company are now going to retest and we are also going to send off samples to another company to see what results they get. My stomach is in knots and I am really concerned as to what to believe, there is no way the results should be that different, even using different techniques. We are now waiting to see if our vet has sent off any samples of other cats, in the hope that their results act in the same way.

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07-10-2008, 09:51 PM   #5

Re: So frustrated!

How very worrying and frustrating too farthing. I do hope that you and your vet can discover what the reasons for the elevated levels are soon and put your mind at rest. Are any of your cats tachycardic? My vet always said that Merlin had a "blip" but his bloods were OK. When I went to the vet this Monday - he has dental problems atm - the vet listened to his heart and when I mentioned the thyroid concerns he had previously expressed, he said no he didn't think there was a problem there as he would have expected Merlin's heart rate to be elevated and it was within norms for an elderly cat who was under stress.

Do let us know what happens.

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07-10-2008, 10:25 PM   #6

Re: So frustrated!

I will certainly let you know what happens, it may avoid somebody else worrying about similar results, if it is due to the lab.
Angie, I had Samson in and out of the vet for about 9 months, saying he wasnt' right and losing weight. The vets couldn't find anything wrong, he then started yeowling through the night, and one of the vets mentioned it could be blood pressure. When we had it checked it was on the high end of normal, but the vet suspected he could feel a slight goitre. When we got the results back he was 190, when it should be between 10-55.
Also if Merlin is sore and stiff, and his blood are OK, it might be worth putting him on metacam for cats. Smudge, Spice, Pumpkin and Candy are all on it and they are definately more comfortable. I know there are risks, but I'd rather they didn't feel sore.

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08-10-2008, 09:32 AM   #7

Re: So frustrated!

Hi farthing! Merlin has actually been on metacam for ages now. He used to take the dog variety before the cat one was introduced. Originally given for reducing inflammation relating to urinary problems. He had a couple of hiccups until we got the dose right, but has always been better with it than without.

Do hope the reason for the high thyroid levels get sorted soon.

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