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angieh's Avatar
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29-09-2008, 01:28 PM   #1

Merlin's health

I am getting concerned again about Merlin's general health. As most of you will already know, he is 22 years old and is getting more frail by the day.

I suppose the change came about after I gave him the Capstar tablet - he had a day of up-chucking his food and only being able to keep down a bit of milk. Luckily, I had some sensitivity food and put him on that, which he ate well and was no longer sick. Then I was unwell and he had to rely on OH feeding him - OH said that he was eating ordinary food OK, but when I was up and about again on Saturday Merlin again vomited his ordinary food, but managed to eat and retain some white fish which I cooked for him. Yesterday, however he wouldn't touch his normal cat food, or the white fish, but went crazy over some raw beef mince (prev. frozen) and throughout the day, managed to eat quite a lot in several smallish portions and ate this with relish and asked for more! I do love to see him enjoying food. Today he won't touch anything and, at the moment, is fast asleep with MIL.

He has been pooing, but small hard lumps - nothing like his normal motions.

I do think that I will have to take him to see the vet -

The thing is .................. he has lost a lot more weight, as elderly cats do, especially around his hindquarters and therefore is less able to keep himself warm in the cold weather to come. OK - so I've got loads of ways of keeping him warm, cozy bed, thermal cushion, snugglesafe, kickheater in the kitchen, logburner in the lounge or just cuddling anyone who happens to be sitting down.

I don't want to try desperately to keep him going, when it would be kinder to ask the vet to pts. I think I've probably asked this question before, but ...... what do you think????

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29-09-2008, 02:02 PM   #2

Re: Merlin's health

Oh angieh what a hard question.

I think only you really know the answer to that one.

My personal view is that if one of my animals no longer is enjoying life, and are not able to do things they should - like grooming and being pain free, and there is no real prospect of it improving then I think that we have a wonderful gift that we can give to them.

Many years ago I had a discussion with my vet who told me that, in his view, it was a privilege that we have and can give to our most treasured friends. I have never forgotton that and for the many, many animal friends I have shared that time with, I know I did the right thing for them. But it is as hard each time as if it were the first and I can still cry when I think of any of them.

I know personally when I start to ask other people what they think that the thought is in my own head.

Yes, I would talk to your vet and get his view. Maybe a virus or a little off colour, maybe teeth problems, maybe lots of things, at the end of the day you have to do what you think is right for him.

I wish you all the best and hope that a good solution is found for both of you. (see - you've got me crying big drops over the keyboard now as I'm remembering all my lovely boys and girls over the years)


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29-09-2008, 02:17 PM   #3

Re: Merlin's health

I think CM has summed up so well what I was about to say. The essence of which is (a) you know you cat the best so only you can make that deterioration assessment, potentially with help from your vet and (b) you need to consider his quality of life above all.

I think you will know when Merlin's had enough. I also think that this dialogue is you preparing yourself for the inevitable and maybe 'thinking out loud' in order to help straighten things in your own mind.

Having said that, he has come round before and probably will do again. I do wish him continued health for a long time to come.

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29-09-2008, 02:54 PM   #4

Re: Merlin's health

Angie.... CM and Yola have both put my thoughts into words, you and Merlin have reached the stage where you need your vet's guidance and help. You know dear Merlin is getting older and weaker and you are at the stage where you are picking up on every little difference in his health and behaviour.

He is obviously not in any pain or you would not be asking our advice, you would know immediately what lay ahead.

Maybe the Capstar tablet upset his delicate system slightly........I would suggest you let you vet have a look at him and tell him exactly what you have told us above.

I wish you and Merlin all the best and send gentle, comforting vibes to you both.....((((hugs)))) x

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29-09-2008, 02:56 PM   #5

Re: Merlin's health

Angie - what a sad and difficult time for you. Somehow it's easier to tell yourself that a frail oldie is enjoying their life, with whatever restictions it sufers, when the sun is shining. Add cold, unpleasant conditions outside, etc and the world seems a gloomier place and our oldies predicament seems less rosy.
Calismum has said what I would have said. Don't let your love for Merlin prevent you making that awful awful decision. If it's any help, I think the decision is worse than the action, which comes as the most enormous relief. Then you beat yourself up because you are feeling relieved .
There's no easy way out - this is the absolute downside of the joy and privilege of having a pet. Their lives are shorter than ours - we will witness their passing.

I hope Merlin is blooming with today's sun and that this is merely another small hiatus on his steady and dignified decline. Maybe he will see this winter through, and live to feel the spring sun warm his bones again. Wouldn't that be lovely?

I wish you strength in your situation. Fingers crossed for a good resolution, and if not, I hope you get the insight to know when it is that time. You will I am sure. You love Merlin and only want the best for him. If Merlin could speak to you he would tell you that he doesn't want to make you unhappy. So try not to be unhappy, however things go.
Hilary x

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29-09-2008, 04:06 PM   #6

Re: Merlin's health

Angie, I can only concur with what the other ladies have said here. You know best. I just want to give you strength to cope with this dilemma so you'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

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29-09-2008, 04:37 PM   #7

Re: Merlin's health

Oh Angie, I cannt add anything else to what the others have already said. I remember when dear old winston was slipping away, becoming more and more frail. Its not an easy time for you right now as it will always be in your mind but remember, you are Merlins advocate, you know him better than any one else, be guided by your vet and your love of whats best for him.
Wishing you both all my love and best wishes xxx

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29-09-2008, 04:43 PM   #8

Re: Merlin's health

I cannot add one word to the wisdom that's already been spoken so eloquently. You and Merlin are in my prayers, Angie.......

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29-09-2008, 05:12 PM   #9

Re: Merlin's health

Thanks for all your thoughtful comments. Things you have said make me realise how well you understand Merlin and me.

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29-09-2008, 06:01 PM   #10

Re: Merlin's health

I am so sorry to read this Angie, cannot add anything else, but thought and hugs with you and Merlin....xxx

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