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01-04-2008, 06:15 PM   #1

Cats - fair game

Following on from Randoms sad post I wonder if anyone has any opinions on why some "people" consider cats fair game............
Cats are often shot by air rifles...
Dogs set on them.........
Hounded by yobs..........

Is it because cats roam and are not covered as such by the law if you hit a dog on the road you have to report it you don't if its a cat...........

Why do you think "people" consider them "fair game"

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01-04-2008, 06:19 PM   #2

Re: Cats - fair game

Because they don't own one and no doubt have never been brought up living with them/respecting them.

My OH didn't like cats (not that he would ever hurt one) mainly because his dad didn't like them. He loves them now though

Also I think this is more of a 'male' traight rather than a female one, if a female doesn't like them they wouldn't normally harm them

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01-04-2008, 06:30 PM   #3

Re: Cats - fair game

You are spot on there Emma, some people think nothing of hurting a cat, how many times have you heard its only a cat!!!

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01-04-2008, 07:31 PM   #4

Re: Cats - fair game

A lot of people simply don't like cats. They are seen as being sly, weird, creepy, mysterious, smelly, and their connection to witches hasn't helped, someone even told me they didn't like the fact that you could feel their bones when you stroke them??

The lack of education about a cat, having not ownes one, coupled with societies view that 'oh well it's just a cat' attitude dismisses the wrongs caused to cats and their owners.

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01-04-2008, 07:34 PM   #5

Re: Cats - fair game

I think you're right you know my brother dislikes cats. and has muttered the words "its a cat" like some sort of low life....as a kid he ignored the cats we had, but never hurt them.
He tolerated my two....for many years but eventualy came to "like them" think the years wore him down. 25 years of seeing the same cat got to him.

But if he see's cats in the street he will stamp his feet or make a noise to make them move. He has no idea why but even if he stroked one of mine - he shuddered after stroking twice or so, he has since admited the give him the creeps the way according to him they "skulk about"

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01-04-2008, 07:47 PM   #6

Re: Cats - fair game

My Oh and previous partners didn't like cats until they owned them but couldn't say why either. It is definitely more a male thing. But they feature on horror films as being screechy hissing and scratching things. Their unpredictability spooks people I think

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01-04-2008, 08:02 PM   #7

Re: Cats - fair game

EmmaG and BC have it spot on! And I agree that while I have heard a woman say "Oh it's just a cat", she would never ever have hurt one; think that's one of those macho testosterone things .......

No offense meant to our male members who obviously are not like that......

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01-04-2008, 08:20 PM   #8

Re: Cats - fair game

IMO cats are unlike any other domestic animal. With the exception of house cats, they are generally much more independent in their behaviour and are more self sufficient - they don't tend to need their "owners" approval like a dog does and are not normally pack animals. I think that some people see this as a threat because they are not 100% reliant on their people. Lord knows why this should be. That's the very reason I like them so much and respect them.

The "it's just a cat" attitude is also present in many people who wouldn't dream of hurting a cat - as often heard when someone who has loved their cat has been bereaved. Then there is very unfortunately those thugs who persecute animals for sadistic reasons and probably find a cat more easy to get hold of than a dog. It's the same sort of evil that beats up and robs old people. There are a lot of connections between people who show cruelty to animals and those who are cruel to children or other human beings.

Sorry peeps - rant over.

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01-04-2008, 08:32 PM   #9

Re: Cats - fair game

I never used to like cats. My parents; Dad especially was a dog person rather than a cat person.

That said, I'd never hurt one - I simply avoided contact with them. OH had always had cats, even why I used to stay with him (before we got together) his cat used to annoy me and I asked him to remove it from the room.

Once together and renting, he said we'd get a cat once we owned a home. We've been here 11 years and have had Balie and Fifi just short of 11 years

As you know, I'm now one of the converted to the point where I spend time doing charity work for CP.

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01-04-2008, 08:44 PM   #10

Re: Cats - fair game

Originally Posted by angieh
IMO cats are unlike any other domestic animal. With the exception of house cats, they are generally much more independent in their behaviour and are more self sufficient - they don't tend to need their "owners" approval like a dog does and are not normally pack animals. I think that some people see this as a threat because they are not 100% reliant on their people. Lord knows why this should be. That's the very reason I like them so much and respect them.

The "it's just a cat" attitude is also present in many people who wouldn't dream of hurting a cat - as often heard when someone who has loved their cat has been bereaved. Then there is very unfortunately those thugs who persecute animals for sadistic reasons and probably find a cat more easy to get hold of than a dog. It's the same sort of evil that beats up and robs old people. There are a lot of connections between people who show cruelty to animals and those who are cruel to children or other human beings.

Sorry peeps - rant over.
I cannot remember where I read it, but it has been said that dictators are never cat people... they need fawning and obsequiousness from animals as well as the people who surround them...cats don't do that!

And it's definitely been proven in many studies that many people who commit atrocious crimes against people started in childhood with cruelty to animals ....

The woman I was quoting "just a cat" didn't understand why I was devastated at the loss of my cat years ago .....

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