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16-12-2007, 03:07 PM   #1

An update on the Bella Babes.

Kittens are "about" four n a bit months now.
As you know the two boys stayed with us, and the girls went to friends.
Elliotar-the tortie/tabby n white, is a true ladymuck. She rules the roost in her new home as the only pet, and insists on sleeping on suede blankets and apparently won't sleep on anything else. She's still a tiny girl, grown a lot obviously but she's going to be very petite I think. She's a noisey blighter mind, who will proceed to grumble at you if your sat in HER spot at home.
Cinnamon-the tabby girl, don't really speak too the friend who took her, we had a discrepency shalt we say. But from what I've heard she's growing like a mushroom and boses their big old bruiser tom about.

Now the boys..and what boys they are. Such contrasting characters for brothers.
Maxwell is undoubtebly a bad boy, he chases-yes chases, Ralph [the english springer] around the house to the dogs dismay, he attacks our visitors, eats from the plates, has a thing for destroying laptop keys and is generally a hellian. He's a very aloof boy with people though, to me he's very friendly and loving but he prefers to be roaming around the house getting into trouble rather than being a cuddle kitten. He can not sleep in a normal position, he has to lie upside down usually taking up as much space as possible! He's growing into a big red puma, with paws like tree trunks!
William, is the opposite. A big, saggy, soppy, longhaired monster mog. He's huge and saggy, and is so laid back he's vertical! He is obsessed with the dogs and is always with one of them, always washing one of them, always sharing their food or climbing into bed with them. And he's also usually only a few pawsteps away from where I'm sat, infact he's sprawled across my lap as I type this. He is about as UN badboy as possible, and is the opposite of Maxwell, he's a tart too! Only has to see someone and he's all over them. But he honestly thinks he is more dog than cat, therefore ofcourse he and Clementine the cat who was raised by our old terriers, get on famously!!

The big mama keeps her boys inline, but since speying Bella has become a lot more independent and tends to be out most of the day.
I need to sort some photos of the boys out, camera's broken and am using my old little tiny silver one that the quality of pictures are..shalt we say a bit shady compared to what i've been used to taking with the big fuji!

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16-12-2007, 03:39 PM   #2

Re: An update on the Bella Babes.

and is so laid back he's vertical!
I hope you mean horizontal Luke!

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16-12-2007, 05:02 PM   #3

Re: An update on the Bella Babes.

Good to hear the kittens are doing so well! Hope the camera is fixed soon so we can see some new pics of all!

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21-12-2007, 03:38 PM   #4

Re: An update on the Bella Babes.

So nice to hear how the babies are doing. Some pics as soon as poss please.

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21-12-2007, 03:42 PM   #5

Re: An update on the Bella Babes.

They sound like they are doing fantastic can't wait for updated pics

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