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30-11-2007, 03:26 PM   #1

Colour stereotypes? just for fun.....

Until September I had a black and white cat. He was very cute and cuddly, but he really was a few cans short of a six-pack in the brain department. A couple of my friends also have male black and white cats, and their cats are both very friendly and cuddly, but not the brightest of cats. So between outselves we tend to refer to blck and white male cats as "CBD", meaning "cute but dim".

I have had two black cats, one male and one female (the female is currently my only cat). Both have been very opinionated and vocal. They have both had quite firm ideas about just who is really in chanrge of the household. They have also both mellowed with age. In his last couple of years Sooty became a lap cat, but only certain laps, Tinker is becoming the same.

I have heard that tortoishells are supposed to be "naughty torties". I have never had a tortie, but I am picking up two tortie kittens in a week and a half, a dark tortie and a dilute tortie. So I guess I'll soon discover if there is any truth to that

What other colour stereotypes are there?

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30-11-2007, 05:17 PM   #2

Re: Colour stereotypes? just for fun.....

Hmm, my Des, black and white male, is actually the opposite - not very cuddly but really quite clever, whereas my young female B & W Purdie, is definitely 'cute but dim'!

Bubs, my tortie is definitely a 'naughty tortie', intelligent with it mind!

I think the most intelligent cat I've ever had was my gorgeous Teddy - a tabby.....

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30-11-2007, 05:41 PM   #3

Re: Colour stereotypes? just for fun.....

I've had two blue torbies, and they were both easy-going very laid back cats, not energetic or athletic in any way. Sweet natured couch potatoes.! My brindled tortie wasn't naughty at all; sweet natured and a real lap cat. Both my seal point Siamese and my ruddy Aby boys were extremely smart cats, almost brilliant; very energetic and not really that cuddly . This is a good thread!

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30-11-2007, 08:16 PM   #4

Re: Colour stereotypes? just for fun.....

Eva the Diva, black/white fluffy, very vocal and very opinionated. She is clever and quick on the up take except when it comes to pooping in her litter box Oh and ofcourse she is very beautiful.
Bernie, black fluffy, CBD, but very cuddly and affectionate.
Winston, grey, very wise, loyal and affectionate.
Woody, grey/white, CBD with psycotic tendancies but loyal long time friend to Winston.
Mutley, tabby, this blind kitty was playful, clever and very affectionate and ALWAYS first to the food bowls
Ghandi, ginger/white, MENTAL

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30-11-2007, 08:38 PM   #5

Re: Colour stereotypes? just for fun.....

We had a b/w girl that belonged to a neighbour take up residence with us for a bit; she was a cute, sharp and cuddly little miss. Her tabby and white son was spiteful, vicious grump.

My old, black ex-stray was docile - even when entire. But once neutered was the epitome of a shadow. ALWAYS with you. But that might be more to do with his ex-stray status than his colour.

My blue-boy persian is in the nice-but-dim category. He's also scared of his own shadow.

My lilac-cream girl is friends with everyone. Not too clued up; aloof when she wants to be, but will wiggle her butt for any visitors. Hence she's not allowed out on her own - someone would have her away quicker than you know!

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30-11-2007, 10:50 PM   #6

Re: Colour stereotypes? just for fun.....

My B&W girl was a stray who adopted me. To start off she was very shy and only wanted to be cuddled when she wanted. She did, however, become a very loyal and loving cat. She never bit or scratched in spite. I think she was bright and she certainly was a very good mother.

Merlin, tabby boy is also loving. I don't think he is as bright as Smudge but sometimes the look in his eyes can't be mistaken for anything but love.

There are other cats who have been occasional "visitors", like our next door neighbour's 2 cats. One is absolutely gorgeous, guess you'd call him a blue (not pedigree), he looks as if he's been at the khol around the eyes, but our neighbour says he's "Tim, Tim, nice but dim". He is very friendly and always wants his tummy tickled. His litter sister, B&W is also fairly friendly, very much a predator and as cunning as they come. Both are very vocal and always most polite.

In the past, I was visited by a very beautiful boy (entire), who was a lovely friendly chap. Stripey and spotted with quite short legs. I called him Oz and he was a regular visitor. I did try to find out who owned him but with no luck. I would have adopted him if I could have asked his owner (he was not very well looked after, but not badly treated otherwise he would not have been so friendly).

There was a lovely fluffy totally black cat that came into the garden about half a dozen times last year. She (not sure about this) had incredible emerald eyes and was the most friendly cat and was quite happy to be picked up and cuddled. I am very much afraid that she got "napped" as I have not seen her for ages.

Just last week another young stripey, spotty little boy came a-calling. He also said hello and was friendly.

There have been others - just passing through.

The only cat I have ever not liked was Henry who belonged to the farm. He was a huge bruiser of a cat, ginger and white. He bit Merlin on his tail, which got infected and Merlin had an abcess and almost lost his tail. On the first night in this house, Henry got in and landed on me as I was asleep in bed and I am afraid I yelled at him which is probably why he took to persecuting Merlin. He was defiant, obstinate and a real bully. I had to threaten him with a broom (never hit him with it) and he still held him ground. He didn't deserve his end though, someone poisoned him. I swear I had nothing to do with it.

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30-11-2007, 11:47 PM   #7

Re: Colour stereotypes? just for fun.....

I don't know about stereotypes but the cuddliest by far is my tabby/white boy Tucker although he CONSTANTLY DEMANDS cuddles. You will just get him to finally sit still and if you so much as breathe irregular he is up and fussing, pushing his head against your hand and sticking his bum up to be petted. His sister whom is now at the bridge god bless, (tabby with white socks and chest) was not cuddly in the slightest. My old tabby girl who I just lost recently, she never really liked cuddles at all either, but then she was part feral and had never seen the inside of a house 'til we got her at approx 4-5ish weeks old.

I have a siamese, Kiara, she's not particularly vocal. I say this as all my cats are vocal but she's no more vocal than the others, somewhere in the middle. She does however, have a very 'distinctive' voice shall we say! Sometimes she sounds nothing at all like a cat. She is also very cuddly and will sit on your lap contented for hours if you let her!

The rest are black cats. One long haired, and she is very very timid, doesn't really like cuddles unless everything is quiet and calm and she thinks no one is watching. The others vary. Colin is not particularly cuddly, neither is Jennie, Tarny is very cuddly and will sit on your knee for hours.

The boys and Tarny are the naughtiest, in which I mean getting into the most mischeif. They all like to play but Jennie (black) the least, unless she's on her own with you. She doesn't like to eat with the others either but prefers to eat on her own up on the windowsil. The rest eat in line on the floor.

Princess hates it on her own and gets very upset if she is not in the company of another cat at any one time.

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02-12-2007, 10:19 PM   #8

Re: Colour stereotypes? just for fun.....

I have had two all tabbies and they were both very intelligent, Bronwyn is very intelligent. Arthur who is tabby with a bit of white is very affectionate (but not a lap cat) and also very intelligent.

We had a black cat but he wasn't so intelligent as the tabbies.

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03-12-2007, 01:52 PM   #9

Re: Colour stereotypes? just for fun.....

When I was small my parents had an intelligent tabby tom cat, used to beat up all the other cats and dogs, instead of running up fences he just jumped straight up, usually on the cat he was chasing. Misty was a silver persion agrophobic until he went blind, very intelligent large enough paws to open a fridge door. Dusy was a black cbm furball, couldn't work he way out a litter box with a door on it (removed the door) Mouse was the smaller tabby tom but was much more intelligent and ruled the roost. Now I have a tabby queen, bit of a grumpy moo and bullys her son. Tippy the black queen clepto kitty and bright with it, Socks a big black and white tom cat who is the biggest mummy's boy and wuss puss I have ever seen.

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03-12-2007, 06:21 PM   #10

Re: Colour stereotypes? just for fun.....

When i was very little we had a black and white tabby female cat. She was very laid back and loved curling up on your lap, wasnt bothered by us little kids messing her about.
When i was older we had a ginger tom cat who, although liked cuddles on his terms, would suddenly turn around and bite you out of the blue!
My parents now have a brown tabby girl cat who again loves attention and is quite chatty.
I have my little Oscar, a black tom cat. He is extremely vocal, loves to lay on you, have cuddles and fuss all the time and hates not being with people! He will sit out side the toilet door meowing for me if i dont leave the door open!!

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