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02-07-2007, 11:22 AM   #1

Buster and Tilly off to be veaccinate today

It's time for their boosters. I am also going to see if they need their teeth cleaned as they look like they do if you ask me. Buster has started his coughing fits again so he will probably have to go on to antibiotics to sort that out. I am going to ask about that antibiotic injectoin that last two weeks for Tilly as well as she is sneezing a lot but I might leave her as she isn't that bad yet and I am trying to keep the antibiotic for when she get bad. (For those who don't knwo I am not being cruel Tilly is a virus carrier which causes her to have a pretty much permenant upper respiratory problem so she sneezes all the time and it usually need antibiotics from time to time to keep her in check so that why I wrote about leaving her until she gets bad before treating her, as she also has Inflamatory Bowel Disease which isn't helped by the antibiotics so it is a fine balance keeping her happy and healthy )
I would like to know how buster weight is going as well as I thin he is too fat and have been trying to get his weight down.

Anway I will let you know how it all goes.


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02-07-2007, 11:27 AM   #2

Re: Buster and Tilly off to be veaccinate today

I hope everything goes well at the vets, Sally.....

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02-07-2007, 11:31 AM   #3

Re: Buster and Tilly off to be veaccinate today

Good luck at the vet's Sally, let us know how you get on...

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02-07-2007, 01:29 PM   #4

Re: Buster and Tilly off to be veaccinate today

Hi we are back.
My vet has recommended going to see a specialist about Tilly's sneezing and Buster's coughing as he can't find out what is causing it. Both me and the vet think they are virus carriers, but Tilly has been tested twice and Buster once and we haven't found any virus and we are not sure how many time to do this test. The vet is pretty much certain that they have Cat Flu as they show all thne signs but no virus has been found. Which is very frustrating as the vet can't use these antiviral drugs unless they have a positive result and know what virus it is and apart from treating the symptoms (which usually involves a course of antibiotic which can't be that good as they need them every month or so to keep it under control) there is no other teatment they can do. So we are probably off to a specialist who can put a camera into Buster and Tillys lungs and can have a look and cehck there is nothing else going on and they will then be able to pick the best place to swab for a virus. The specialsit may still come up blank but at least I have tried everything to help them then and as they are insured we can afford to take them. My vets said we can try bter on an inhaler for cats which might help him out a bit and we can try tilly on the Conevia injection to see if that help instead of giving her antibiotic that cause problem with her tummy.
Anwya that is all under way and we will see what turn up.

The good news is that buster is losing weight and only weighs 4.8kg now, alhough he will still need to loose a bit more as he should only be around the 4.5kg mark. So he is not grossly overweight just intent on being so.

Their teeth are fine and don't need doing at the moment.

and Finally Tilly's scab on her paw that I mentioned a while ago was cause by a tiny stone or thorn which the vet has managed to pick out so that should be better and annoy Tilly much less now, although she wasn't very impress by having her foot poked with a needle and prodded with forceps.

Thats all the news I have for now but I will let you know when I hear from the specialist.


Ps sorry for such a long post.

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02-07-2007, 01:57 PM   #5

Re: Buster and Tilly off to be veaccinate today

A mixed bag really, isn't it? I do hope that the specialist can provide answers. I do know that some of the flu viruses are only shed intermittently, herpes is one of them and it can be very difficult to pick these viruses up on culture for this reason.

Let us know how you get on Sally x

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02-07-2007, 05:48 PM   #6

Re: Buster and Tilly off to be veaccinate today

As Farn said it is a mixed bag but at least you still have options open to you.
I realld do hope the specialist can come up with the answers for you. Good to know you finally got the paw sorted. If it's not one thing it's another eh?

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02-07-2007, 09:55 PM   #7

Re: Buster and Tilly off to be veaccinate today

I know I am not sure what to make of this idea about a specialist but as it sounds like Petplan will cover it I might as well have a go and see if it shows anything else or they can get a posotive test.
Tilly seems to be fine and I am glad to have sorted her paw out. Shge is now tucking nito some chicken as the vet said that the vaccinations may make them worse for a few days if they do have cat flu, as the vaccine is more sterile cat flu bug. so I am taking advanced action and giving her chicken for a few days so she keeps eating and her tummy isn't upset by the stress. She seems OK now and buster got a tin of tuna as he was very good at the vets as well.

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