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26-07-2006, 12:55 PM   #1

Are we a nanny state?

The news today seems to be saying we are becoming a "nanny state" are we?

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26-07-2006, 01:09 PM   #2

Re: Are we a nanny state?

How do you mean Kazz?

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26-07-2006, 01:41 PM   #3

Re: Are we a nanny state?

I mean do we are a nation wait for things to be given to us on a plate? entertainment, employment, etc. We seem to raising a generation of children/people who are willing to blame anyone the goverment/the council/the world in general for their problems instead of getting off their backsides and doing something for themselves.


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26-07-2006, 01:55 PM   #4

Re: Are we a nanny state?


Here's one example for you.

A friend of ours moved here from Cornwall. Bought a nice house and decided to go to the local club after working flippin hard in updating the house. New flooring, kitchen, redecorating etc He walked in and everyone went quiet. When he asked what was wrong they said that it wasn't fair that he could afford a house in the area, a plasma tv, nice cars etc

His reply was, 'Well get of your a***s, get a job and you'd be able to afford to buy your own home and buy nice things like plasma tvs and cars'

Needless to say it didn't go down very well with the locals lol

He was right tho, so many are willing to live off the state. If their money gets stopped cause they have been found to be fiddling the state they moan and whinge about the fact they have X amount of money less and it was all so-and-so' s fault cos of this-and-that. Nobody wants to take responsibilty for their own actions. Youngsters hang around in gangs drinking nad making a nuisance of themselves, then say they are hard done by and can't afford to buy nice things or go anywhere like so-and-so down the road.

You're not sure whether to laugh at them or slap 'em one

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26-07-2006, 02:16 PM   #5

Re: Are we a nanny state?

So true Naomi. I am sick of lazy so and so's sitting on their backsides doing flip all while others work bloody hard to keep themselves and their families. Living off the state and other people, scrounging and moaning and to top it all they complain!

Some are content to have loads of kids and use that as an excuse, my niece has 4 kids, she is on her own, but she still found the time to do a course in midwifery and is now qualified. There is no excuse other than bone idleness, watching TV all damn day, drives me nuts, get up, get out and pay your way! thats what I say to them.

If it were harder for them to get benefits, they may be more inclined to do something.

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26-07-2006, 03:42 PM   #6

Re: Are we a nanny state?

Benefits seem to be hard enough to get if you deserve them, though. Decent people who end up needing benefits don't ask for enough, they make do.

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26-07-2006, 04:40 PM   #7

Re: Are we a nanny state?

Originally Posted by Hreow
Benefits seem to be hard enough to get if you deserve them, though. Decent people who end up needing benefits don't ask for enough, they make do.
Yes thats true too. Those who genuinely happen on bad times having struggled to provide for their family have to wait at least 6wks for a penny, those who have never done a stitch never wait for anything!

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26-07-2006, 05:40 PM   #8

Re: Are we a nanny state?

I agree with Naomi and Dawn, I get fed up with paying taxes for the lazy people who cannot be bothered to go and get a job, I have never taken money like that off other people, I have always worked and I am sure I always will. Hell even if I wasn't doing what I am now (and I realise how lucky I am to have a well paid job, but then again I have worked VERY hard over the last 10 years (and longer) to get where I am now) even if I lost my job tomorrow I would be out looking for another job.

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27-07-2006, 08:37 AM   #9

Re: Are we a nanny state?

There is a guy in our street who says he can't work cos he's had a triple by pass op yet he can dig out his back garden and lay concrete by hand

What is stopping him from getting a job?.......The fact that they'd loose a lot of money and wont be able to afford to go on a 2 week holiday every year to Spain and will have to pay their full council tax, rent etc

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27-07-2006, 10:20 AM   #10

Re: Are we a nanny state?

There is a whole strata of society who seem unable to either make decisions for themselves or simply 'do' for themselves!!! They need social workers, advisers, and funding to (so it seems) simply get out of bed!

On occaisons when at home, I've caught a bit of the Jeremy Kyle Show. And to be honest, if the people that appear on that programme are typical of the UK population than this country is going to sink without a trace; and sooner rather than later.

Loutish behaviour, slobbishness, laziness, lack of respect for other people and other people's property/belongings . . . all these are becoming endemic.

Worst of all, these people seem to be born with an expectation that they are owed a living, that they deserve everything that the working population have AND more without having to earn the money to buy it. The media and to some extent the government seem to perpetrate this myth by somehow portraying these people as victims and therefore holding them up for special treatment by way of benefits etc.

I have my own thoughts on how this can be remedied, however they're not especially politically correct so I'll keep quiet about them!

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