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21-02-2006, 09:55 AM   #1

Advice Please

Hello everyone I am new on here - I live in the North of England and share my home with Holly (10 year old lurcher who I adopted from Manchester Dogs Home when she was 6 months old) and Rosie my rescue cat who is nearly 9 and I have had her since she was about 4 months old. Shall we say that Rosie and Holly have a mutual understanding that if Holly in any way interfers with Rosie she pay the price by having her nose punctured

My question is I would like to add another cat to my small family this year but wonder whether a) I should get a kitten because it will settle in easier with the dog and another cat. b) should I get a female or male? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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21-02-2006, 10:02 AM   #2

Re: Advice Please

Hi, and welcome to the forum! It's nice to have you here - and to hear about Holly and Rosie.
There are people on the forum with lots of experience and knowledge of cat psychology etc who will be able to give you learned answers.
For myself, looking at it just from a pet household point of view, I think a kitten would fit in easier (sex immaterial). However, with a kitten comes the delights of mad behaviour, curtain climbing, leg shredding etc!
I think 'the right' older rescue would probably fit in as well. Certainly your dog knows that cats are superior creatures and won't cause any problems.

(I'm looking for kittens at the mo too - so if you get one we can compare notes!)

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21-02-2006, 02:33 PM   #3

Re: Advice Please

Hello Rosie and welcome. Lovely to hear about your dog/cat equillibrium Good luck with finding a new cat-addition to your home . . . do let us know whether you decide on kitten or cat - although I'm not an expert on new pet aclimatisation I would have thought that either would work especially if an older cat has been around other cats and dogs before.

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21-02-2006, 04:40 PM   #4

Re: Advice Please

Hello Rosie, I can tell you that my dogs were always fine with a new cat a bout the place, but my old cat was a different case. One kitten she just wouldn't take to and he finished up along the road with my son. Older cats she did tolerate, even if she didn't really like them. If you decide on an older cat get it from a good rescue they should be able to tell you if any of the cats there are O.K. with both dogs and cats. Look forward ton hearing what you decide. Logoes

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21-02-2006, 08:12 PM   #5

Re: Advice Please

Warm welcome to Catpages Rosie Lovely to hear about your furfamily. I personally feel that a kitten is easier to integrate into an existing cat household rather than an older cat. I have read your other post regarding the in appropriate peeing and feel you would likely have less problems of this nature with a female cat. Of course others may have other opinions...good luck whatever you decided to do and please keep us informed. Look forward to chatting to you...

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