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CJK CJK is offline
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20-02-2006, 09:45 PM   #1

kids threw away felix tokens!

My lovely boys decided to tidy up for me while iw as in the bath earlier.
they threw away a lot of funny looking scraps of paper they found on the pc desk. I didnt know at the time and had since emptied tha cat litter tray into the bin and tied the bag up.

I was saving up for the black fluffy cushion from the felix site, had 32 tokens!

Now i have only three tins left to collect from and two packs kitten food.
I only keep a msall amount of it in as we cant get the brand i normally use in my town soi use this when i run out.

Nice thought from the boys though bless them.

guess that cushions witing a bit longer lol

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