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Elaine's Avatar
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19-02-2006, 09:59 AM   #1

Winston and Bernie

Things are still progressing at a very slow pace but the importance is they ARE progressing.
We also let Bernie have the run of the house when Eva is outside exploring the garden. As Winston sleeps alot, he hardly notices Bernie and Bernie doesnt seem to be too interested in Winston which is fine because I dont like to put much stress on the old boy. Winston does sometimes go to the pen at feeding times and has a sniff and a good nosey. In the begining Winston meowed at Bernie, angrily, and then would walk away from him. The last few days though Winston has seemed more excited by Bernie which brings me to asking for peoples thoughts.
Winston has actively sought out Bernie, has a good old sniff and makes almost chirrup sounds and short but frequent rrrrrt, rrrrt kind of noises. Now i cannt quite work out if Winston is being friendly excited or expressing some unhappyness. These meetings usually take place under the bed, so I cannt quite see his facial expressions.
Thoughts and observations are welcome because as i have said i really dont want to give Winston too much stress.

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19-02-2006, 11:04 AM   #2

Re: Winston and Bernie

Elaine that rrrrrttt rrrrttt sound I believe Winston is making is actually a greeting sound. My two make it at each other, Arthur more than Bronwyn. It is like he is saying "hello", sometimes he will do it to call her when he comes in and cannot see her. He never did it to my previous cat Lucy.

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19-02-2006, 11:06 AM   #3

Re: Winston and Bernie

It sounds like he is being friendly, I think if he was unhappy he wouldn't keep approaching Bernie, and he would be trying to avoid him as much as poss - that is my experience with cats that don't like each other anyway.

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19-02-2006, 11:21 AM   #4

Re: Winston and Bernie

Originally Posted by EmmaG
Elaine that rrrrrttt rrrrttt sound I believe Winston is making is actually a greeting sound. My two make it at each other, Arthur more than Bronwyn. It is like he is saying "hello", sometimes he will do it to call her when he comes in and cannot see her. He never did it to my previous cat Lucy.
Misty makes a funny noise in her throat - cant describe it really - but it maybe like Emma explains above. Misty does it when she is "thinking aloud" like, where is everyone??, whats that doing there?? sort of thing!!!

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Elaine's Avatar
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19-02-2006, 11:38 AM   #5

Re: Winston and Bernie

Thanx for that. Its funny coz if it were Eva then i would know exactly what she was tryint to convey as she is very vocal and chatty. Winston has always been a very quiet puss and was notorious among my friends because of his silent meow and cuddly nature. Over the last year he has become more vocal due to illness and age I guess, so sometimes i have to try to decipher what he is trying to say. I am up to speed with the I am confused/unwell noises and can tell when he purring to comfort himself and contented purring, I hope I am getting them right anyway.
Thanx it has put my mind at ease coz i was worried about his b/p etc.

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