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21-01-2009, 10:24 AM   #11

Re: President Obama's Inauguration

I for one am delighted to see the back of Mr Bush and all he stands for. I wasn't able to watch the TV until about 8.30 in the evening, but we did watch the procession down Pennsylvania Ave, motorised and on foot. They also showed some clips of the speeches and I felt they were perfectly balanced; designed to appeal to those Americans who were very pro their own country and never mind the others and also to those who wanted to reach out and rebuild relations with the rest of the world.

I hope President Obama fulfills the extremely high expectations that so many have of him. I suspect he will go a good way towards doing so.

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21-01-2009, 11:35 AM   #12

Re: President Obama's Inauguration

I watched the Inauguaration from 4pm GMT onwards to the UK news at 6pm. I was impressed by the speech. It delivered on every level, very serious and yet empassioned by the reference to his dad who would have been refused service in that part of the world less than 60years ago. The challenges that face America (and the world) were roll called and if this man can dedicate his energy to solving some of them then I feel better for it. I just hope that the promises can be fulfilled by him now he has the power not just the passion, he must use it and like Spiderman said, with Power comes great responsibility

Being a bit more trivial, I thought Michelle looked nice and the kids were natural. I'm glad to see the back of Bush but will miss his gaffs and the chance for Rory Bremner to do send ups!

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21-01-2009, 11:59 AM   #13

Re: President Obama's Inauguration

Not a fan of GW, but have to say I felt a bit sorry for him. I am glad that he made the transition easy and it seems did some things that he didn't have to do to make it so. Think he's probably worried about what history will say about him and his administration.

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