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15-11-2008, 05:43 PM   #11

Re: Daily thread ~ Saturday

Evening all! Wel my weekend plan swiftly crashed down around me as I got a text first this morning from my friend, who was going to come and visit for a proper meal, and night out on the town, but she has an infected gum from wisdom tooth coming through and it passed onto her tonsils and her throat almost closed over and she had to go to the hospital Poor love, I really hope she gets better soon. When I read the text just as I was waking up this morning, needless to say it thoroughyl depressed me as OH had gone home to his parents this weekend just so I could have my friend to stay, I'd been in town all day y'day buying my outfit, had booked the restaurant... So for a few hours I was just thinking "what will I do with my day now?" Went round the West End, got myself some lunch, bought the boys some more balls (they've managed to lose all their old ones in the flat, who knows where), managed to buy ONE christmas present from a vintage store (a 1930s brooch), and have arranged to meet another friend for nachos in the local coffee house Then I'll try and catch up with X Factor. So the day hasn't turned out too bad, I'd just built so much momentum and expectation on my friend coming through, but these things happen.

I may even pull out the sketch pad later and start drawing again. Haven't done it in ages, and it's one thing I do have a talent at (if I do say so myself, but I did have an art scholarship at school!) Need to perk up that motivation again.

It was surprisingly warm and sunny today, a nice change!

Angie - those natural light bulbs sound interesting, how do they differ from normal lightbulbs?

Sorry to hear you're poorly PP, hopefully it'll pass!

(OH lord, i JUST remembered I forgot to take my winter coat to the drycleaners today on the one day a week that I can do it, as at work the rest of the time I just remembered that I was about to hit 'post'. I'm losing too many brain cells to work I think...)

Have a lovely evening all

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15-11-2008, 08:02 PM   #12

Re: Daily thread ~ Saturday

Hiya all not a bad day here, weather now turned to rain. Been a fair bit of "disturbance here" and I have not felt well..seems the mix of tablets I was on were the cause....not the symptom...much better now though. Sal is brilliant you wouldn't know anything had happened to her let alone an op.. Kittens are great racing round like loons now (pic to be posted in rescue) new sofa and chairs great will get a pic a the weekend.

So all in all everything is great here. See you all about and tomorrow. Sorry to hear you are poorly PP.....positive thoughts coming your way.

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15-11-2008, 09:57 PM   #13

Re: Daily thread ~ Saturday

[quote=meep;520178]Angie - those natural light bulbs sound interesting, how do they differ from normal lightbulbs?/QUOTE]

They give the whole light spectrum meep and help to combat SAD - you can buy bulbs/tubes or lamps.


We have the desktop magnifying lamp from this company. OH bought it when he was into model making, but without the magnifying glass, which is removable, it makes a wonderful reading lamp.


They are also energy efficient! You would probably find a table or desk lamp just the thing for your sketching. I went to Art School, but didn't get a scholarship! Sounds like just the thing to set you off on a much more satisfying course..... good luck!

I'm very sorry your evening out has had to be put on hold. Feel very sorry for your friend. Hope she gets better soon.

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16-11-2008, 01:09 PM   #14

Re: Daily thread ~ Saturday

Thanks for those links Angie Will definately check it out. Also, that's wonderful to hear you went to art school. Do you still draw or paint now?

Darcy jumped up in front of the laptop as I was typing that, so I think that's him saying "hello Auntie Angie!"

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