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29-11-2006, 09:11 PM   #11

Re: Soft Claws vinyl Nail Caps.

I think this is a terrible idea! If the furniture is more important to you than your cat's happiness, then don't get a cat! Mine have always clawed furniture and I just live with it: when the chairs get ratty looking, I get slipcovers! Besides, even if I wanted to use those things, there is no way Leia would hold still and let me glue them on!!! Fortunately, her favorite clawing spot is the top of my wooden wine rack!!

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30-11-2006, 11:41 AM   #12

Re: Soft Claws vinyl Nail Caps.

I personally don't like them, but I think in America they are a very good thing, as they will prevent cats from being declawed.

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yokitty's Avatar
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01-12-2006, 08:04 AM   #13

Re: Soft Claws vinyl Nail Caps.

Ok I seem to have created a stir here. I am here just to give a balanced opinion of it based on my own experience.

They are easy to apply, if you can clip the claws then thats the hardest part done. Sliding a sheath over takes no time at all and does not affect the cat.

Scratching is the number one reason for abandonment and neglect. Fact.
Many clients come into our surgery desperate for a solution, we suggest scratching posts, feliway, training techiques but too often this all fails and they give up on their cats.
there are thousand of owners who would not like to fully abandon their pets so as one person said eariler, they will force the cat to live outdoors permantly occasionally feeding it. is this a humane solution?

I appreciate many of you have many cats and live in homes torn to bits by their cats, but is it wrong to be house proud? It is easy to slander things without any personal experience, I speak as a nurse - I will not say where I work as I suspect there are some people out there with nothing better to do than make my life a misery for saying these soft claw nails have a place.

Faced with rehoming and Soft Claws - I know which I will choose. The clients we fit tehm on have been delighted how they can now enjoy a better relationship with thier pets.
Can someone answer the old paradox "Dont have a cat if you can not live with the scratching' Ok...what do you do if all your options are exhausted - training has failed, scratching posts only provide a temporary distraction? So what do you do when you already have a feline friend? rehome it?

Come on be realistic a INDOOR cat already gets its claws blunted every week by trimming - why is this not treated in the same light? These claw covers only keeps them blunt for longer and to answer the question "how can you trim the claws with the covers on"
As you firstly trim the claws prior to the claw sheaths, it isnt necessay to trim them as often. The claws will contine to grow within - They grown entirely differently from humans as they grown outwards like a banana skin. They will shed naturally after 6 weeks and the cat Claw cover will just fall of - preventing any infection from occuring. You can then trim the claw and repeat the process.

The cat can still stretch and pull at things and exercise with them on. Mine can easy scale a 6 foot fence!

They have been around on the veterinary market for over 10 years apparently. Forget the colours they do provide a solution for the desperate owner and we only recomend them when all else has failed and rehoming is considered.

I can answer any question you have about this as I have experience. I hope everyone has enough decency not to personally attack me for expressing my views.

Perhaps you should read the testimony section and make your own minds up

I would like others to come forwards if you used these before, I would like this to be a fair discussion based on facts not assumptions. Do others think they have their place?


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01-12-2006, 10:14 AM   #14

Re: Soft Claws vinyl Nail Caps.

I think this is really interesting.
Don't think I would use them but neither would I criticise anyone who did

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01-12-2006, 11:06 AM   #15

Re: Soft Claws vinyl Nail Caps.

We got a new sofa and guinness is the main cat that claws the settee infact he as virutualy ruined on arm of it. Kay copies him we do have a scracth post but all he does is sleep on it. Kay has started to copy him now. Guinness just sits there and stares at you when he has done it. we tell him off ten minutes later he's bck again. I dont know if my cats would let you put them on and i dont think i would try. Its there nautral instincts anyway i love them all too bits and they get away with it anyway.

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01-12-2006, 11:28 AM   #16

Re: Soft Claws vinyl Nail Caps.

Im sorry to hear that Kado They can be very naughty.

Whats the most damage your kitty has ever done?
One Client spent £2300 on a new DFS sofa and within weeks there were marks all over it. Saddly the last we heard of this owner, she gave her cat away - thankfully it was to a relative I think.

Does any one else have stories of wanton feline Destruction?

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01-12-2006, 11:40 AM   #17

Re: Soft Claws vinyl Nail Caps.

I defense of soft claws, I think they were introduced in the U.S. initially as an alternative to the terrible and barbaric declawing of cats. I can understand why people kick back against them, but conversely, I don't see a problem as long as the cat is not in any discomfort or distress.

I am, of course writing from a perspective of an owner of cats that are prodominently indoor. If my cats had regular outdoor access I can see how it might compromise the claw's grip and possibly interfere with their ability to defend themselves against other cats.

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01-12-2006, 06:38 PM   #18

Re: Soft Claws vinyl Nail Caps.

I appreciate many of you have many cats and live in homes torn to bits by their cats, but is it wrong to be house proud?
Not at all, but if you have a Cat you should know what it has on the end of its toes!

Faced with rehoming and Soft Claws - I know which I will choose
Me too, Id have the Cat away from them in a flash, then find it a suitable home where it will be appreciated for what it is.

Come on be realistic a INDOOR cat already gets its claws blunted every week by trimming - why is this not treated in the same light? These claw covers only keeps them blunt for longer and to answer the question "how can you trim the claws with the covers on"
Really, mine dont!

The cat can still stretch and pull at things and exercise with them on. Mine can easy scale a 6 foot fence!
My friends Cat can scale a 6ft fence with 3 legs and no tail!

These things are pathetic, an American designer toy, otherwise they wouldnt come in such "pretty" colours!

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01-12-2006, 06:58 PM   #19

Re: Soft Claws vinyl Nail Caps.

I know it's hard to believe everyone but I have to agree with Dawn's point of view on this one!

Don't like claws, then don't have cat is my opinion

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01-12-2006, 07:18 PM   #20

Re: Soft Claws vinyl Nail Caps.

Originally Posted by Fran
I know it's hard to believe everyone but I have to agree with Dawn's point of view on this one!

Don't like claws, then don't have cat is my opinion
Stop it Fran, stop it now!!

Judging from the 4 posts Yokitty has made, I can only assume she came on here solely to promote this terrible product. no intro, no nothing. Maybe she is getting commission?

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