View Full Version : The Camilles

16-06-2011, 08:43 PM
Please see http://www.catsey.com/showthread.php?t=39300

Some of us have thought that it would be a worthy additon to the Catsey Calendar to have a feline version of "Oscars" - awarded annually in June to cats who show rare acting talent. The inaugural award in the "Starving Cat" category has gone to cats' staffs protegee, Smudge who has inspired these awards.

"Smudge does the poor, starving kitty too weak with hunger to make a noise routine! For added emphasis she will flop onto her side whilst mouthing 'meouw'. As well as her other nicknames she is sometimes referred to as 'Camille' or this is referred to as Smudge doing her Camille. She definitely channels Greta Garbo some days!"

We need however to develop categories and so far we have one additional category suggested:-

"We need a category for the cat who can look at you with a butter wouldn't melt expression standing by the empty canary cage with a yellow feather in his whiskers..." (dandysmom)

"I think that whould be called a 'hoomey?'" (cats' staff)

Any suggestions for further categories welcome!!! :D :D :D or nominations for the Hoomey category.

If there is enough support for the Awards, I would suggest that descriptions are posted by proposers and voted on by Catsey members.

Comments welcome :lol: :lol: :lol:

16-06-2011, 09:40 PM
Super-duper idea!

A category for a cat who's acting very very angry ... I'd call it the Mike Tyson award, but as he's a fierce prizefighter here (bit off an opponent's ear once!) I doubt if his name would mean anything on your side of the Pond .... so someone come up with a fierce fellow, please! :mrgreen:

16-06-2011, 10:47 PM
Oh, I think Mike Tyson is well known enough over here too .... A Tyson sounds like a very worthwhile category.

17-06-2011, 09:52 AM
Tiger does a "Tyson" if a strange cat comes into the garden, he has acted on it in the past and dragged the intruder off the garden wall. Nowadays he's more handbags at dawn, which I'd be more inclined to call Priscilla ( as in queen od the desert ) :D

17-06-2011, 02:26 PM
Oh I like that Pauline! Perhaps we could have a Tyson and a Priscilla category.

I've also thought how some cats do comedy really well and suggest a category for comic turns (which could include being just "goofy") and call it the Charlie - for Charlie Chaplin. I think Pip may be nominated in this category, but I need to think about it first!

17-06-2011, 03:48 PM
Brilliant: Priscilla, Tyson and Charlie, love 'em!

17-06-2011, 08:01 PM
Netty's post about Oliver and letting his wee mouse run around - now surely that sort of thing deserves a category of it's own? Mousecapoloist?

17-06-2011, 08:38 PM
Erm, Oliver wasn't a very good hunter as the mouse got away ... just a suggestion The Elmer? For Elmer Fudd who always ended up empty-handed.......

cats' staff
17-06-2011, 09:16 PM
Ooh yes, an 'Elmer'

How about the 'Brave Sir Roger' for the most cowardly cat- after the 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail' song 'Brave Sir Roger ran away'

17-06-2011, 09:24 PM
I like that, CS! And for the really excellent hunter, a bit of a cliche, but the Nimrod, unless someone comes up with a cleverer one.

17-06-2011, 10:20 PM
And for the best female huntress, The Diana?

17-06-2011, 11:36 PM
Ooops, my feminism slipped there.....:oops: Absoutely!

18-06-2011, 12:45 PM
Does it have to be split into male and female?

How about an award for the contortionist/acrobatic cat/kitten as well? Most of our collective lot have sleeping-poses that hurt my whole body just looking at them. ^^

18-06-2011, 12:53 PM
I think splitting by gender may be a little over-complicated, but in some categories it may be an idea .... Nimrod and Diana being one example.

The contortionist/acrobatic category is a must have! What would you name it, Hreow???

18-06-2011, 01:38 PM
I think splitting by gender may be a little over-complicated, but in some categories it may be an idea .... Nimrod and Diana being one example.

The contortionist/acrobatic category is a must have! What would you name it, Hreow???

That's where my lack of famous people shows me up... ^_^ "The Golden Pretzel" was as far as I got.

18-06-2011, 02:55 PM
We could just google some and see which one everyone likes best? :)

18-06-2011, 03:01 PM
Good idea pauline - just did that and the Wikipedia list didn't really inspire ... nothing that slips off the tongue. Couldn't use a living person's name either!


18-06-2011, 03:58 PM
I'm stumped here too: I keep thinking of shape changers, not assuming odd positions... will let the subconscious work awhile; maybe after lunch...???

18-06-2011, 04:21 PM
I found a victorian contortionist called ena bertoldi, could be called the Bert Award lol

18-06-2011, 04:30 PM
I like that, Pauline! Well done!