View Full Version : Stray cat - "Squiffy"

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08-07-2010, 11:00 PM
His former one apparently didn't suit or he wouldn't keep going walkabout.......:(

10-07-2010, 12:52 PM
Any joy yet Angie?

Either something has happened that has prevented the woman from getting back in touch emergency/health family wise.


You know I get the feeling the woman only phoned because the children miss him....did she say she missed him?....I am starting to wonder if she gave your hubby the wrong number on purpose.

I think she has given up on him or does not want him as anyone missing their cat would have been back on the phone to you almost everyday and asked for your address or area so they would know where to search......in fact if it were one of mine I tell ya.... you'd see me camped out in the car..........in the area with whiskas/cooked hot chicken/lamb/tinned salmon and fish in hand calling till I would call no more then "tinking" mental spoon on china plate........clambering through bushes, ditches and over back garden fences....ear pressed to closed sheds garages....etc ...and that would be complete with hysterectomy restrictions.....so without I would be in a tree or two height advantage, ;)

So I think she has decided he's gone... who cares.

10-07-2010, 01:10 PM
I agree with you. Certainly I'd be doing all those things if I thought it may be a missing cat of mine.

I have put up a poster in our local farm shop this morning and will ask to put the same up at the Co-op tomorrow in the village where she says she lives. How long I give then until I say "He's not your cat any more" - depends really. I think you are right. It wasn't herself who saw the poster but a friend - I'd have been right out to look at the poster to see if it was my cat (he's a distinctive looking boy and the photo is a good likeness). Now, if I'd done that and could say NO, that's not my cat .............. would I have phoned to say it was a case of mistaken identity? Probably not.

If after X weeks (to be determined) I have had no response from her or anyone else, then Squiffy will be registered with the vet in my name and I'll be using that neutering voucher then Kazz. If he wants to stay with me, he'll then have to behave himself with Kizzy and Pip, but I'm prepared to cross that bridge if the need arises. He is a nice cat and deserves a good home.

I was ashamed of myself this morning. A very very pretty cat has appeared in the garden - obviously not a stray and I found myself thinking, now if that was a stray ........... but soundly told myself off! Looks aren't everything!

10-07-2010, 04:06 PM
Sounds like a good plan to me, Angie. So often those toms turn into real pussycats after the op. How long are you going to give it ... I think another month would do it for me.

10-07-2010, 08:01 PM
Good Lord who spread the word in the local catworld ...that you are a "open door policy"

10-07-2010, 08:19 PM
It's the cat grapevine I suspect. Carolyn took in and rehomed three strays before dear Onyx! They just kept showing up! :roll:

10-07-2010, 08:44 PM
I think they leave secret marks on gateposts like it used to be said gypsies did if they found a kind person!

18-07-2010, 09:40 PM

Just got off the phone with the nice man who runs the village website where we put a copy of the poster about Squiffy. It's a long and convoluted tale (tail) about several people who know Squiffs as a visitor to their gardens and one person who wishes to remain anonymous and says the cat is hers but she doesn't want him back.

So, taking that as gospel (there are big holes and possibilities off in all directions I know) I shall now go and talk to my vet tomorrow and get Squiffs booked in to be neutered as my cat. I will adopt him and be responsible for him - if he wants. I hope that as he is a friendly chap he will realise where his bread is buttered and will stick around. If he's still here when the weather turns, I hope he'll stay put.

18-07-2010, 09:45 PM
Well, well, well. I had a feeling this saga would conclude in this manner :D It's been a bit of an up and down ride, but if this chap is on the level (and no reason why he shouldn't be), it's a shame that Squiffy's owner couldn't have been equally honest with you.

Let's hope he's around for many years to come! :D

18-07-2010, 09:58 PM
Well, looks as if it were meant to be. I suspect he does know what side his bread is buttered on, and hope after the op he'll become less aggressive with Kizzy and Pip and can be a happy house cat!

18-07-2010, 10:17 PM
Just have to think of a better name for him ........... OH says he is Felix and I suppose he is. What about Felix Squiffster?

18-07-2010, 10:22 PM
That just doesn't float my boat... what''s wrong with Squiffy; that's cute and different?

18-07-2010, 10:23 PM
Not sure it means the same in USA - "squiffy" here can mean under the affluence of incohol! ***hic***

18-07-2010, 10:47 PM
I was surprised to hear that, so checked my dictionary and you're right! Squiffed = drunk! New word to me,

My Latin is very rusty, I think Felix means happy; how about Feliz. happy in Spanish. And it's different.

18-07-2010, 10:52 PM
squiffy means drunk, new one on me lol. Where I come from it means something a little bit odd, and the circumstances of him remaining with you certainly fit that :lol:

18-07-2010, 11:05 PM
Yeah, squiffy here is a quirk or something a bit odd or different. I just assumed that's why you had called him that!

Glad that a solution seems to have been found for him. I am sure once he is neutered he will be a different chap. My Sid turned into a big soft lump once he was done - prior to that he had the ears and lump/bumps of a real streetfighter.

Shame it has dragged on for this time - his 'owner' could have been more up front.

18-07-2010, 11:51 PM
Yeah, squiffy here is a quirk or something a bit odd or different. I just assumed that's why you had called him that!

Glad that a solution seems to have been found for him. I am sure once he is neutered he will be a different chap. My Sid turned into a big soft lump once he was done - prior to that he had the ears and lump/bumps of a real streetfighter.

Shame it has dragged on for this time - his 'owner' could have been more up front.

phew, another Scot to back me up :lol:

19-07-2010, 12:29 PM
That's interesting - a definite language link between Scotland and USA.

19-07-2010, 08:46 PM
Nope sorry Squiffy is a little worse for wear regarding drink.....

Not struck on Squiffy though as a name okay as a nickname for a passing cat.

If hubby is going to call him Felix I think you are stuck with it...its nice enuogh and suits his colouring. How about as hubby is a golfer calling his Louie.....the bloks who won the golf.

20-07-2010, 09:43 AM
Do you know what his previous owner called him? Just thinking it might help in terms of maybe chosing something that is similar-sounding?

20-07-2010, 07:47 PM
We always talk about being squiffy if we are a bit tipsy and we are both Scottish.

I thought Felix meant lucky?

Glad he now has somebody to look after him, poor wee thing.

20-07-2010, 08:05 PM
Nope sorry Squiffy is a little worse for wear regarding drink.....

Not struck on Squiffy though as a name okay as a nickname for a passing cat.

If hubby is going to call him Felix I think you are stuck with it...its nice enuogh and suits his colouring. How about as hubby is a golfer calling his Louie.....the bloks who won the golf.

I've just put the idea about naming him after a golfer into OH's head. See if he comes up with anything ..... "Woosie" sounds and means more or less the same as "Squiffy"!

Do you know what his previous owner called him? Just thinking it might help in terms of maybe chosing something that is similar-sounding?

Sorry, Yola - no idea.

He's definitely a blokey bloke. I think he's a Charlie or a Georgie.

20-07-2010, 08:09 PM
Golfers? Arnie (Palmer), Ernie (Els) ???

Not Tiger!

20-07-2010, 08:14 PM
Balie ;) ;) ;) After Seve Balesteros :lol:

Woody (Tiger Woods)

Trev (Lee Trevino) - I like this one, especially when changed to Trevster :D

Monty (Colin Montgomerie)

20-07-2010, 08:22 PM
....... I like Monty but just thought Mack - quite like that!

20-07-2010, 09:54 PM
Oh I like Mack...................love the song.....

20-07-2010, 10:30 PM
As a "Mac" owner, that name is pleasant to my ears! :mrgreen: And overlay memories of my former, late, boss, Mr.Mac, who was, to put it kindly, not a very nice person to work for!

One vote for Mack! :D

21-07-2010, 06:21 PM
Woodie is nice - but for Woodie Guthrie rather than Tiger Woods. All of my cats have been called Woodie as a nickname at some point (Puddy-Woodie, etc.!)

21-07-2010, 07:53 PM
Mack is nice - 1 vote here too.

Woodie reminds me of Woodie Allan