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Almost a Veteran Member
Cats owned: Colourpoint persian, and moggies
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Posts: 1,209
13-04-2022, 05:47 AM   #1

Wednesday Daily.

Good morning Pamela and Shelley,
Another warmish day here today. Janna has just returned from Animates pet store with lots of wet cat food, as they are having an Easter sale. Unfortunately they don't sell the favoured cat litter, which I'm still waiting on. All cats refused to use the new litter and walked around with very disgruntled faces, but after a few hours of sniffing the air and getting in and out of the litter boxes, they finally had to use it. Hopefully the other litter will arrive tomorrow, but with Easter looming, it's unlikely.

I agree, the cost of living has definitely risen. I guess it's a world wide thing. I'm trying to put some food items down at the freebie bin down the road when I can, to try and help. I got a nice bag of feijoas from there this morning (we love them and they're so expensive in the supermarkets).

I've spent the day out in the back conservatory cleaning the window frames, which keep getting black mould on them. Don't know why, as it's certainly not damp out there, but it keeps coming back., no matter what I use. Today, I tried white vinegar, which seemed to work pretty well. We're just having soup and toast for tea tonight ,so nice and easy.

My doctor rang today to tell me that my potassium level has now gone back to normal, my kidney function hasn't dropped any further but now my sodium levels are very low. I'm to have another blood test in a week. I really don't know what I'm doing wrong. !!!

PAMELA, I'm glad you had a nice day in the office yesterday. I agree, it will probably be good to work in the office every Tuesday from now on if you want to, as it's nice to catch up with your team mates and to get out of the house. Wee Skye will miss you though. AND congratulations on the 12th anniversary of your "First Date". How lovely going out for a special meal together - a great way to celebrate it. I hope you and your dad have an interesting day today at the Transport Museum.

SHELLEY, I'm glad you finally got to that nature reserve and had a beautiful picnic there. It sounds lovely. Let's hope that Howard will now return a negative test and you can all breathe a sigh of relief again. Sorry, though, that your cousin's husband has managed to catch the virus. Hopefully he won't be too bad with it. Good for you and Chris doing that beach cleanup on Monday. I bet you did notice the difference when it was finished

Well ladies, I do hope you both have a really good Wednesday doing things that you enjoy. Let's hope the sun shines for you both today.

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13-04-2022, 06:23 PM   #2

Re: Wednesday Daily.

Evening ladies,
Howard negative now so we visited the little town of castle Douglas.
Donated some unwanted clothing to the canine rescue shop.
We had lunch out with the dogs and sat in a cafe garden which was quite sheltered.
Long walk around the Loch and surrounding countryside after, now we are shattered.
Pamela, congratulations on your anniversary.
I hope you had a lovely day with your dad today.
Dinky, hope that cat litter arrives very soon, your kitties will be crossing their little legs ������

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