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Almost a Veteran Member
Cats owned: Colourpoint persian, and moggies
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Posts: 1,209
15-01-2022, 09:06 AM   #1

Sunny Saturday.

Good morning Pamela and Shelley,
Saturday evening here and again, it's been a very hot day, made worse because I don't have any blinds in the lounge or kitchen. Paul, the guy who is doing the blinds called round and did the measuring for the windows, but told me not to order them yet ,as he wants to check out the fittings the company provides. I'm definitely going to go with slim line aluminium venetians here in the lounge and also the kitchen in an alabaster colour. Cats have been on the kool mat all day and I've had the air con on, so managed to stay cool.

My cousin came for lunch today and we had her home made chinese dish, which was really nice. She's switched her dog over to a totally raw diet to try and stop her tummy troubles. Hopefully that will help the poor dog. The dog also has another lump coming up ,exactly where the other one was, but my cousin is going to leave it, unless it starts to cause the dog trouble. Cinder is nearly 13 and I can understand that my cousin doesn't want to put her through any more operations now.

I belong to a Neighbourly site in which people can make posts on any local news, items for sale etc. Yesterday a woman posted about her family's 8 month old Golden Retriever pup, who had been stolen from our local park the day before. The dog had been tethered to a tree in the park while she and her children were playing in the playground there.She asked everyone in the area to keep a lookout. Happily she posted today to say the puppy had been found safe and well and they were all thrilled. Some people are just so horrid to take someones pet like that. Anyway, the police were involved, so maybe they might be prosecuted. I hope so.

PAMELA, sounds as if you're enjoying your new job and you're getting through the training OK. I'm glad you're still keeping up with your running, especially with friends. How are you going with those snuffle mats ? I suppose you're half way through that order by now. It's a shame you had to cancel your running though, but I guess it's important to get them done. Happy Birthday to your niece for last Monday. I hope she had a lovely day. AND your poor dad, catching covid. What a kind and brave man he must be not to tell you. I'm so pleased that he's recovered so well from it, Pamela.

SHELLEY, I'm pleased work is going so well for you, although I suppose you're very busy. It seems a long time since Christmas now and the holiday break.What a relief for you to learn that Malaika doesn't need any dental work done by the vet. Once the anti- inflammatories kick in, she'll feel much more comfortable, I'm sure.

Well, it's now 9pm and nice and cool outside so we'll go and take the cats out on the back lawn for a while. Oh yes, meant to tell you that mum and dad magpie came back tonight to get some food. Such beautiful birds they are, but quite wild. Jack and Vera haven't been around since Christmas, but I guess they have ducklings by now. Hopefully we will see them one day again.

Have a great Sunday.

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