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Almost a Veteran Member
Cats owned: Colourpoint persian, and moggies
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Posts: 1,209
05-09-2021, 05:38 AM   #1

Sunny Sunday.

Good morning everyone. Sunday afternoon here and a beautiful sunny day. Washing is all outside in the sun and birds are gathering on the lawn, waiting for Janna to feed them.

Nothing much has happened today. It's so quiet, this Level 3 lock down, but I think all NZ, except Auckland, will move into Level 2 on Tuesday night Here's hoping ,because the cat groomer rang and booked Dickens in for Wednesday at 3pm.If we don't drop alert levels ,we'll have to cancel as she isn't allowed to work at level 3.BUT, poor Dickens hasn't been well today.He keeps trying to go to the toilet and can't. I'm watching him closely and hoping he hasn't got a UTI. He's eating and drinking, which is good, but if he's no better tomorrow, I will take him to the vet Unfortunately I won't be able to go in with him, and Michele will have a fit - he looks so dreadful with his matts and bald patches.I'll take Freddie or Betsey May to the groomer on Wednesday if Dickens still isn't well enough.

My back conservatory is driving me mad. There is so much cat fur everywhere, and nothing will pick it up.Black lawn carpet and white hairy cats just don't mix.I tried using the furminator but it hurt my knees so i gave up. Spent a very pleasant hour ripping apart lots of big cardboard boxes that the cat litter comes in, all ready for the recycling bin.

The news here at the moment is all about the terrorist attack at Countdown, Auckland on Friday.Terrible for the victims and their families and for those who had to witness it. Countdown stores have had a run of terrible luck.In Ma, a gunman opened fire on shoppers in another Countdown store before being captured by police. We seem to be living in terrible and violent times, and no country is immune.

PAMELA, Congratulations are in order on two counts,I see. Firstly, congratulations on passing your motorcycle test on Thursday. I knew you would. You must have felt on top of the world. And secondly, congratulations to you and Steven on your 5th wedding anniversary on Friday. I hope you had a super day and had a great ride on your bikes to celebrate. How was your stall yesterday ? I hope you sold heaps of mats. You'll both be looking forward to watching the motorbike racing championships today. I hope you enjoy it.

SHELLEY, ouch, your poor back. It's good you've got the weekend to get over that fall. Hopefully it is getting a bit easier now. How was your doll and bear fair yesterday ? Did you have some items for sale or were you just there to buy ? If so, I hope you got some great bargains. I've got my eye on a Steiff chow chow dog on trademe at the moment, but I've really got no room to display him if I did buy him. He's lovely though, with his blue tongue.

KAZZ, lovely to hear from you. I've been wondering how you and Gert are doing.Hope all is well with you both.

Well, I'm off to figure out what to have for tea and see where poor Dickens is hiding. Oh yes, the beautiful black and white kitty on my neighbourly site has many offers of a good home, and his owner is talking to each one to see which will be best for him.. I'm so pleased. He was such a beautiful boy.

Have a great day everyone.

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