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Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
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20-05-2021, 06:16 AM   #1

Pleasant Thursday

Good morning everyone. It's Thursday 5pm here and it's been a nice day, although getting colder now. My sister came for lunch, before going on to work, and those fish and chips were heavenly. No more junk food now for a few months ! Still deciding what to have for tea as I'm really not hungry. Maybe scrambled eggs.

I had to go to Animates Pet Store this afternoon to get some cat biscuits, which luckily they had in stock.Spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning the bathroom and kitchen floors.

I heard from my son in Nottingham last night and he told me that they are coming back to NZ to live, probably around August/September, all going well.They are looking at properties in Hamilton, North island.It would be nice to have him back in NZ, even if he is in the other island.Hopefully i might finally meet my 2 wee grandchildren, Oliver and Matilda.

SHELLEY, that fantastic meal you had the other day sounds magical. I bet you really enjoyed it.May there be many more. Hope you enjoyed meeting your friends yesterday and discussing your collections. It's horrid when you wake and can't get back to sleep, I know.Hopefully it's just a passing thing and will rectify itself soon.

PAMELA, you're probably back at work today. I so hope you enjoyed your 2 days off and had a relaxing time.Don't work too hard today.

YOLA and KAZZ, hope all is well with you both.

Well, I'm off to sort out some tea for us.

Have a great Thursday everyone.

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20-05-2021, 08:36 AM   #2

Re: Pleasant Thursday

Morning Dinky,

What a lovely phonecall to receive from your son!! That would be fantastic getting to meet your little grandkids!! Fish and chips sounds good although fish isnt something i eat. What did you decide to have for dinner?

I have really enjoyed my days off, my lesson on Tuesday wasnt the best but its done!! Yesterday, 2 of my biker friends came to meet me to go for a ride, i was all ready to go and my bike broke down again!! Thankfully it happened before we left so as soon as it is fixed i am selling it. We had a lovely ride yesterday, i was pillion on my friends bike which i have never done before!! It was amazing and yesterday was a beautiful day. We went for cake and coffee then went to a beach and had ice cream. It was just a fantastic day, my jaws hurt from laughing and smiling so much!! Being pillion on the bike was a completely different experience to riding the bike. Strange not being in control of the bike but i trust my friend 100% which is why i went on her bike.

Have a great day everyone, i am planning on getting through my work day and then picking my friend up to go for dinner

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