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09-05-2021, 06:46 AM   #1

Sultry Sunday.

Good morning everyone. Sunday afternoon here and a warm, balmy day of 25 degrees with no wind whatsoever.It's very very still outside, good weather for earthquakes, speaking of which we had a few yesterday. The first one at 5.14am woke me up and I didn't go back to sleep coz I thought there'd be another. Luckily there wasn't, but it's a bit unnerving lying there in the dark waiting. We had another few last night, but not quite so shallow, thank goodness.

Today is Mothers Day here and I've been spoilt by Janna and Brenna, with socks, chocolates coasters and fridge magnets, coffee capsules for the machine food and money.I tell them not to buy me anything as i don't need it, but nothing sinks in.When I feel better, Brenna and Jared are going to take me out for a meal, but as i can't eat certain foods at the moment, it's not worth going yet.

BP still very low and I'm still light headed so have to be careful not to move too quickly. I'm on so many different meds for BP that it's not funny.Still got this horrid noise of my heartbeat in my ears most of the time as well, and if i could just get rid of that, I'd be a lot happier. Anyway, I'm seeing the cardiologist on 26th again to try and sort out this medication.It can't come quickly enough.

My cousin hasn't been round yesterday or today , so no more work has been done in sorting out some of her gear.I've been sorting out a lot of my jigsaws, mostly of kitties, and I've decided to donate some of them to the local retirement village, as the people there love doing them. Some haven't even been opened. I'm keeping my favourite ones though, as I love doing a jigsaw over winter.It's just a problem keeping the cats off it, as they see it as somewhere very nice to lie on.

I went up to the local mall this morning to get a few things. There's a real shortage of certain cat foods here and I believe the Royal Canin is going to be hard to get for a period.My babies will not be happy.This afternoon after Brenna left, I walked slowly up to the cemetery to visit my parents grave and put some flowers on it.Two big doberman were walking there with a lady, and they came running up to me. I just about freaked out as I'm a bit wary of doberman, but they were beautiful dogs and the lady had good control over them.

Just this minute, we had another quake while i was typing that. I hope we don't start having them all through the night. This one was quite strong so it must be centred near here, as were the ones yesterday.A couple of plates have fallen off the bench, but they're not broken.All cats have vanished !!!

PAMELA, sorry you're having such wet weather at this time of the year.I hope your knees aren't too sore after that fall you had. Bruised knees are very painful. Were you wearing your new trainers? I hope you managed to cast your vote the other day and that you were able to get out for that bike ride in the evening. I guess it wouldn't be too much fun if it was still raining though.Hopefully Harris is leaving your new carpet alone now and not clawing it.My cats are terrible clawers and have ruined my lounge suite, but I've given up trying to stop them.I hope you have better luck.

SHELLEY,sounds as if you had a good day off work on Wednesday. That will break up the week nicely for you.Your wee birds must be hungry. I'm glad you feed them. My birds are starving too, and I feed them 4x per day. The rat I had disappeared and I was quite pleased. I can understand why you want to deter your visitor.Let's hope the peppermint oil does the trick.Hope you had a good day yesterday ,working with your new dolls and bears and enjoyed the takeaway last night.I bet you're looking forward to eating out on the 17th, as well. Love the name of that restaurant.

YOLA,how horrid being so cold on Wednesday. I hope you managed to warm yourself up.Sorry that your son is not well and I hope he's feeling a lot better now.It's so irritating when things go wrong with computers, especially when you're trying to work, but thank goodness that you're getting a new macbook soon.Good for you ,too, for feeding the birds, even though i know they're not your favourite creatures. You go to so much trouble with all the food you give them. Fancy seeing the squirrels coming for a meal as well. It must be great to watch them.

KAZZ,I'm so envious of you being able to do a monthly shop. I'm not that organized unfortunately, but I wish I was.Sorry that you are also having rainy weather at the moment. It's so tricky to get washing dry when the weather can change in an instant.Lucky you, having had your two vaccinations, and no adverse reactions. You must be feeling pleased that that's over and you are now protected There's still no sign of the vaccines being available to the general public here yet, but we are waiting.

Well everyone, have a great Sunday. I hope the weather has improved a bit for you all and you all stay warm and dry.

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09-05-2021, 07:45 AM   #2

Re: Sultry Sunday.

good morning Dinky.

Glad to hear you are feeling better. I hope Janna is too. Happy mothers day to you, glad to hear you got spoiled!! I do hope the quakes dont happen again whilst you are sleeping. They must be scary. I do hope the cardiologist can do something to help with your blood pressure. It has been going on for so long.

We like to do a jigsaws as well. The last one we did was a porsche. We got the car made and half of the scenary around it then hubby gave up!! We also built a lego model of a Ducati motorbike. Not made out of your usual lego bricks!! Looks great. I have it on display in my hall on the unit where our motorcycle helmets are.

I had my first motorbike lesson on a 600cc motorbike yesterday and it was pouring of rain. Never rode in the rain before but the lesson was great. I slept a full 8 hours last night which is very rare for me not to wake up during the night. Feel great this morning!!

Not sure what our plans are today. The sun is shining at the moment and we need to take the dogs out for their walk. Will sort out our plans when we come back. I do need to do my weekly food shop as i am also not organised enough for a monthly shop.

Harris is still clawing my carpet so i will need to make up my spray again and hope it deters him as i really dont want my new carpet ruined.

HAve a lovely day everyone

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09-05-2021, 07:13 PM   #3

Re: Sultry Sunday.

Evening all,
Glad you had a happy mother's day Dinky.
I do hope they get your blood pressure sorted soon.
Pamela, glad your lesson went well, I guess it was good practice in the rain.
More doll work for me today and a walk down the brickcroft.
Mrs Swan has been sat on eggs for weeks now, I fear they are infertile again, poor things.
Mr Swan is always in such a bad temper, I saw him today bullying the ducks.

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