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Almost a Veteran Member
Cats owned: Colourpoint persian, and moggies
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16-03-2021, 08:48 AM   #1

Tuesday Daily.

Good morning everyone,
Not much news to report today. Had a good session online this morning buying food and cat litter for my cats. it's getting so very hard to get the cat litter that my babies will use and I go through two big bags of it per week. Snoddy refuses to use any other type and will just go on the floor beside his litter box. The only place i can get this particular litter is a place way up in the North Island and it costs so much to send it to the South Island where I am. GRRRRR. !!!

Janna and i walked up to the medical centre this afternoon in the middle of an electrical storm that hit Christchurch at around 3pm. Actually it was quite exciting but we both got thoroughly drenched.My BP is still high, as I knew it would be, and my doctor has put me on another BP medication. The cardiologist has recommended a different medication entirely but for some reason, my sodium levels are very low, whatever that means, and she is worried that the medication he recommends will cause them to drop even further. She is going to speak directly to the cardiologist tomorrow morning. In the meantime, i have to have more blood tests tomorrow morning. I;m feeling like a real pin cushion.

Anyway, after the doctor's appointment. i went to the supermarket and did a bit of shopping, which Janna carried home for me.First time i've been able to go to the supermarket for ages and I really enjoyed it.

Cats have just come in from outside and are getting dried off - it's still raining a bit.Going to watch a bit of TV and maybe a DVD later on tonight.

SHELLEY, sounds as if you were busy at work yesterday Perhaps you'll have a quieter day today.I'm sorry about the passing of your ex MIL and that your older son has taken it so hard. it's good that you have some photos to give him and i hope he finds comfort in them.AND I'm so pleased that you're going to keep that doll. I agree, she is a keeper.

YOLA, hope you had a good day at work yesterday and that you are now feeling much better.Remember that summer is just around the corner and the sun will soon be shining again for you.

PAMELA, hope you, too, are feeling much better today. I know how hard it is, believe me. I do hope that you have been able to go for a good run now that your club is up and running again (oops - no pun intended there).

KAZZ, how lucky you are to have a reading room at home.What a lovely place to relax in and delve into the life of Genghis Khan.

Well everyone, going to watch some TV now.
Hope everyone has a good Tuesday. Gosh it's going to be Easter soon. I'll have to start buying a few Easter eggs before they all sell out.
Stay safe and warm everyone.

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16-03-2021, 10:30 AM   #2

Re: Tuesday Daily.

Morning folks and evening Dinky.
Working but not many children to see, yesterday was buzzing and I really enjoyed it.
Bible study classes this evening and that's my day.
Yola I am so sorry your birthday and mother's day were so disappointing, sometimes we are taken for granted.
My eldest son went through a very difficult phase and couldn't be bothered.
Perhaps as your sons get older they will value you more.
Doesn't help the way you feel now though, I know.
Dinky, hope all your medical stuff gets sorted soon.
What fussy cats you have, lol
Get us the right cat litter or we'll use the floor ��
In answer to your question ages ago, there are 2 swans on one pond at the brickcroft, they nest every year but sadly are infertile.
The swans on the other pond have left, along with all the remaining grown up signet.
They may return.
Pamela and Kazz, hope you are OK

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16-03-2021, 08:37 PM   #3

Re: Tuesday Daily.

evening everyone,

Dinky i am pleased to hear you are managing to get out a bit more now. Not good about the blood pressure but hopefully your new tablets will help. Enjoy whatever you watch on TV

Shelley, glad you enjoyed work. I hope you enjoy your bible class tonight.

Im doing ok, just been working and was running last night. Club starts back on the 5th April which will be good. The restrictions are starting to ease a bit, we had a roadmap laid out to us today by the FM so heres hoping it goes to plan!!

Kazz and Yola, i hope all is well with you. Happy belated birthday Yola

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