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Almost a Veteran Member
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Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
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13-03-2021, 08:50 AM   #1

Saturday Daily.,

Good morning everyone and welcome to the weekend. It's Saturday early evening here after a warmish day, but tomorrow is meant to reach 25degrees with no clouds. That's getting a bit hot for me, especially as the part for the air con hasn't arrived as yet.

Today was a relatively good day. Janna and i walked to the chemist at the local mall and I picked up my prescription for the beta blockers and took one straight away. Pleased to say that my heart is no longer racing or missing beats, and that's after only 2 pills. My BP is still high, but I'm hoping that too will come down to normal by the end of next week. We shall see. Anyway, i feel heaps better and have actually managed to eat and keep the food down.

My cousin didn't come round this afternoon, as she and her youngest boy went to the casino for a meal and to have a bit of a gamble,I went last year with them both, but as I don't gamble, I found it really boring. Beautiful interior though., and lovely meals, probably all designed to keep patrons in there as long as possible.She's going to ring me tonight and let me know if she won anything !!!

Cats got groomed this afternoon, I got scratched and we all ended up rather cross with each other. Oh why have I got such long haired cats that matt up so easily ?

I bought my sister a sweet wee hand painted brooch for her birthday in July. It's a hand painted picture of a calico cat with big eyes, by NZ artist Sarah Potton. It's on a small flat pebble and looks exactly like her wee cat, Eva, whom she lost last year. She'll adore it. Sarah had brooches with lots of different coloured kitties. One was a Himalayan Persian just like Snoddy and i WAS tempted, but really want to buy a couple more zox wristbands first.(I wear them all the time ) The Snoddy brooch will have to wait.

Janna now has the cross cats out on the lawn for a play, then we'll go and watch a Murder She Wrote film on DVD.

PAMELA,I hope you enjoyed running with your friends last night. I bet you're looking forward to the weekend. Have you made your dad his chicken and rice soup yet ? I guess you'll have a lot planned.

SHELLEY,hope you enjoyed your day off yesterday and you are now feeling less stiff after a night's rest.Congratulations on taking communion on Sunday. I hope it all goes well for you.

YOLA, Bernadette is a beautiful name. We also have a St Bernadette school here but I went to horrid old St Peter's primary which i hated, Hope you also enjoyed your day off yesterday. Good for you for doing such a long walk as well but hope your knees didn't play up afterwards.

KAZZ, hope you've finally removed Gert from the clothes line. You and her will both be looking forward to the weekend as well.

Well everyone, I'm now off to watch that movie.
Have a great Saturday and hope the sun shines for you all today.

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13-03-2021, 01:28 PM   #2

Re: Saturday Daily.,

Bright and remarkably windy here washing on the line bedding in the machine ready to join the breezy brigade.

Blinking heck it is windy standing at the bedroom window watching my washing/dancing on the line my Nan and Mom called it caught myself doing and thought "yeap getting old" LOL

Having spare ribs for lunch/dinner in the oven now have marinated since yesterday. Giving it a go as getting a bit bored with my normal menu the downside of cooking for 1 and for yourself this is my marinade
80 ml honey
60ml soy sauce
45ml oyster sauce
30ml soft brown sugar
garlic recipe called for 3 x crushed cloves but I use granules as it was all I had totally forgot to buy fresh garlic yesterday
15ml tomato paste
salt, cayenne pepper, rosemary, ground cinnamon, bit of ginger

I am not a ginger fan so just use a bit my brother adds more garlic and ginger and also chilli flakes when doing a BBQ but I prefer this too too spicy hot. Just want flavour. Not had in ages but picked up ribs in the butchers yesterday when at the Building society.

Surprised how much I miss cooking and having people for meal or going somewhere for a meal.

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13-03-2021, 01:29 PM   #3

Re: Saturday Daily.,

Right back shortly to read can't find my glasses?

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13-03-2021, 08:13 PM   #4

Re: Saturday Daily.,

Evening all.
A cold but sunny day, we took the dogs to the local nature reserve this morning and managed to hand feed some birds, less people down so they were ready for the extra food.
We then did our big monthly food shop.
Kazz I know what you mean when you say you get bored with what you cook and also the odd meal out.
We try to do a weekly meal plan and tend to eat the same meals over and over.
Dinky, glad the beta blockers are working.
I wonder if your cousin won anything?
The brooch you bought for your sister sounds lovely.
Pamela and Yola I hope you are enjoying your weekend.

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