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pamela81's Avatar
Catsey Veteran
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Location: Cumbernauld, scotland
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30-08-2019, 08:20 PM   #1

finally friday!!

Good evening everyone Its a wet and miserable friday night here in Scotland.

Got a busy weekend ahead cleaning the house as we are going away for a couple of nights on Monday for our wedding anniversary. We are also looking after OH's sisters cat called Olivia who looks like pepe le pue!!! he is a beautiful looking girl. We are going over to her house tonight, twice tomorrow and then sunday morning to make sure she is ok and let her out if she wants.

Hope you all have alovely weekend

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Almost a Veteran Member
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31-08-2019, 08:06 AM   #2

Re: finally friday!!

Hi Pamela, Happy Anniversary. I hope you have a wonderful time away with your husband, doing things that you love. You will be busy before you go ,getting everything ready and also looking after Olivia. What a sweet name for a kitty that looks like Pepe Le Pue !!!

I do so hope that you have nice weather while you are away, Pamela. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you do.

Just heard it will be 19 degrees celsius tomorrow for the first day of Spring here. Nice !!! I'll send some of it over to you.
Hope Barney is continuing to do well. I pray for your boy every day.Willow has had a good day too - no falls thank goodness.

Love to all Catsey kitties and their guardians and Pamela, safe travelling !!!

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pamela81's Avatar
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31-08-2019, 03:05 PM   #3

Re: finally friday!!

Aww glad to hear that willow is doing well Glad to hear she is having a good day before.

19 degrees isnt too bad!! its to be about 16/17 when we are in blackpool so as long as it stays dry we will be happy

We are looking forward to going away. Had to call the kennels today though as Barney has a cone on because he has been biing at his paws and has a couple of sores on them so we are trying to treat them before taking him to the vet as he has been there so much this year!!

Cant seem to get photos to upload so i could show you photos of all my brood

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Almost a Veteran Member
Cats owned: Colourpoint persian, and moggies
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01-09-2019, 10:36 PM   #4

Re: finally friday!!

Oh Pamela, poor Barney. Gosh he is having his fair share of troubles. Those cones look so uncomfortable too. Hopefully his paws will clear up quickly and I'm sure he'll be a good boy while you're both away. It's lovely going on a wee holiday, isn't it? I just know you'll have a great time and the weather will be kind to you.

Poor Snodgrass now looks like a shorn lamb, but I have managed to get most of his matts off him, apart from a couple of small ones near his rear end.My daughter was holding him last night while I was cutting a few matts off him, in the lounge. Snoddy has always hated being groomed and although I'm always careful not to hurt him, he started struggling and growling and hissing. Willow was lying sleeping on the floor and instantly she got up, as alert as anything and started trying to grab him. You could see the excitement in her eyes -and this is a dog who has been brought up with cats !! She would have killed him had she got him, I have no doubt of that.It taught me a lesson and I'll never groom him when she is in the room. I think the noise he was making got her very excited. I know she's OK with my cats normally but I wouldn't trust her with a strange cat at all.

Anyway Pamela, you have a fun time away. Enjoy every minute of it and do let us know about it when you get back.

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pamela81's Avatar
Catsey Veteran
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04-09-2019, 05:01 PM   #5

Re: finally friday!!

Hi Dinky,

Thats not good about willows reaction to Snodgrass, i do hope she settles back down with him and harmony is restored in your home!! Glad the mats are out of Snodgrass, Olivia my husbands sisters cat has big mats under her ears and i just want to get them out for her but she wouldnt allow us to hold her to do it.

The trip was great, we rode on all the rollercoasters yesterday which was great and had more than one ride on all of the ones we wanted to

The cats were pleased to see us (once skye came out of her huff with us!!) My inlaws have been fantastic looking after them. I had been worried about Harris before we went as he had been really sick afew times and hid up above my cupboards and wouldnt come down but he is back to his normal self thankfully. They would have let us know if there was anything not right with him but it was all good

Take care dinky and hope to hear from you soon

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