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Almost a Veteran Member
Cats owned: Colourpoint persian, and moggies
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12-08-2018, 04:01 AM   #1

Super Sunday

Hi Pamela and anyone else who may follow.It's a beautiful sunny Sunday here today and my "kittens" are 5 years old today.They have got a big bag of Temptations Cat Treats to celebrate, but at the moment ,they are all flat out on the cat trees in the back conservatory enjoying the sun.I've been cutting Snodgrass' matts off bit by bit and I think I'm winning. Once I get them all off, I'll take him to the groomer and have him bathed and brushed. He actually enjoys being bathed !.I can only do a wee bit at a time as he doesn't like me cutting his fur. Can't say I blame him, but the alternative is taking him to the vet and having him shaved.His knots are not bad enough to require a full shave so I'll keep on working on him and see how I go.

Willow is continuing to do well. My vet came on Tuesday evening and gave her another synovan injection which does help. She can still get up on the couch and my bed, but I no longer walk her. She walks down to the end of the drive and sometimes out on the pavement but I let her decide how far she wants to go.She still has fun and enjoys her food and I totally spoil her .

Pamela, how are all your fur babies doing? Well, I hope, and enjoying the lovely weather that you are having, no doubt.I'm pleased to hear that Barney's legs are good.

My wee budgie, Damon, is on a diet as he was getting too fat (according to his avian vet). Poor Damon is now only allowed 1 tsp of seed twice a day. He can still have his vegetables but he's a bit of a seed junkie and he's not happy.I bought him some kale yesterday because he does love it, and I'll give him some of that shortly.

Work is going well. The lady who runs the shop is in Paris at the moment on holiday. She will soon begin a river cruise, goodness knows where but I hope she has a great time.She's had a bad time healthwise over the last 2 years and she was worried about any heath problems she might have while away.So far, she's having a super time with 5 weeks to go.It's actually really nice without her as it's just me and my sister there now and we get on really well together.

Well everyone, I'll go and get Damon his kale now and then I may just wash the bedroom windows on the inside.I do hope everyone on Catsey is keeping well and all furbabies are safe and happy.Pamela, enjoy your weekend and have a great week at work next week.

Chat with you all later.

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Cats owned: 2 domestic short haired
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Cumbernauld, scotland
Posts: 3,908
12-08-2018, 03:47 PM   #2

Re: Super Sunday

HI Dinky,

God to hear from you. Glad willow is doing still doing well and enjoying the exercise she choses

Well done with getting the mats out of snodgrass.

didnt know you had a budgie, i love his name!

The weather here has canged, it has been raining today which was a bit of an inconvenience as we went to a super car event at a racetrack today and got soaked through so left early

My lot are all good. Happy pups

Harris has now discovered he can escape through my kitchen window when it is open and has turned up at our back door when we havent known he has been out! Thankfully he lets us know when he is wanting in again. Not overly happy that he is out but he has been desperate for so long so i dont want to stop him and potentially make him unhappy and stressed. He goes into the neighbours gardens and not too much further that we know of! He is only ever out during the day when we are in so we can keep an eye on him!

Skye is doing well, still a complete mums girl and still sleeps beside me every night.

Great to hear from you, take care

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