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pamela81's Avatar
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11-03-2015, 09:33 AM   #1

sleepy Wednesday

Morning everyone.

It's a lovely bright morning here. OH had barney out for his walk and seen 5 horses on the track with no handler which is a bit worrying!!

Quite tired today as barney was restless during the night. He is going to vet later to get his back legs checked as he is limping alot on it.

We have finally booked our wedding date and venue!! Took my folks to see it last night and they loved it too so lots of planning to get started on!!

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Catsey Senior
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11-03-2015, 04:16 PM   #2

Re: sleepy Wednesday

Afternoon all. Hope Barney is OK Pamela and that it is nothing serious. Good luck with all your planning. Friends of mine are planning their wedding too, sounds stressful but exciting.

Very wet here, got to take the dogs out shortly. We were going to go shopping but I just can't face it, it's pouring with rain and quite dark already. Have to be in the right frame of mind to shop, I hate it. OH is very good at food shopping.

Had a great meeting today, 22 there which is a lot for our meeting, there's usually 10 - 15. Some relative newcomers which is always good.

Huggins is finally asleep. He spent most of the morning racing round with Uncle Inky, fighting and generally being a growing kitten. It was Uncle Big Fooze's turn last and Uncle Barnes in the middle of the night. A few days ago he decided to have a go at Uncle Fecto, him being old and a bit slow. What a mistake to make. Uncle Fecto is very big and very fast with VERY BIG PAWS. Huggins got swatted on the head a few times with a swift foozy paw and decided not to pursue things any further. Wise Huggins.

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angieh's Avatar
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11-03-2015, 05:01 PM   #3

Re: sleepy Wednesday

Afternoon Pamela and FM - it's been a nice day now but clouds are gathering, luckily later than forecast. I've had a good day and managed to do a bit of dusting. Hopefully I won't suffer too much for it - fancy being a woman with a dust allergy!!! Who else is going to do it? I've always wondered about tying a duster to Dora's tail and asking her but she just says "Woof".

OH has just lit the fire - still cold enough in the evenings and I've put the heating on. We have a problem with the thermostat in the shower and so I had a tepid wash this morning and haven't really warmed up since. Boiler is OK thankfully - OH is on the case and has phoned our friendly plumber.

Pamela .... how exciting! Are you going to let us know what the date is to be? Good luck with all the planning. I also hope Barney will be OK.

FM .... I loved how you described Huggins and his uncles! I do think we need more photos of Huggins if you could please before he gets too big.

OH is off to dog training with Monty this evening. So I have Dora to take care of. She hates her daddy being away without her, so there will be squinnying I expect.

Hope the weather clears through and folk and FFs stay dry. Have a good evening folks.

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