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Kazz's Avatar
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21-12-2011, 09:56 AM   #1

Wednesday - Good Morning One and all.

Well Good morning people.

You better watch out
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town
He's making a list
And checking it twice;
Gonna find out Who's naughty and nice
Santa Claus is coming to town
He sees you when you're sleeping
He knows when you're awake
He knows if you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake!
O! You better watch out!
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town
Santa Claus is coming to town

Yeah!!!! Its almost here - so this week I suggest we start with a "Christmas song"

Mom and Dad totaly enjoyed their Christamas Singalong last night, hence the song involved in this thread.

I am having a quietish day today, off to Sutton for a bit of shopping (its Christmas) into the bank pay a few bills (its life) and then into the hairdressers hoping to get a quick trim off the cuff(its a neccesity) and alos get my eyebrows threaded.
Would like to try and make up the last of the baskets for the garden today before the poor little pansies give up hope of bigger things.

Would not mind trying to pick up some fresh flowers while I am out as well. Have something in mind but haven't seen the parts to make it yet . I like Fresh flowers at Christmas

Trying my best to get the time to clean the car properly.....may get that today.

Oh still jhave a bit of bulk food shopping to do and may do that today too. Off to Bingo tonight - will have to try and make arrangments to catch up with a couple of friends for tomorrow, before he returns to work on Friday evening.
Would also like to make arrangments to meet up with a good friend who has seperated from her hubby this year and lost her home due to it. But hey! There are only so many days,

Anyhow see you all later. Oh managed to bath the dog yesterday too. So all systems go here hope you all have good days too.

Edited to say need to pick up some proper wrapping paper too.

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pamela81's Avatar
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21-12-2011, 10:13 AM   #2

Re: Wednesday - Good Morning One and all.

morning Kazz, early daily today
I like your song. Hope you get to see your friend, thats a horrible thing to have o deal with. Enjoy your shopping today and cleaning the car. I need to get mine done but not had time

Im off tv shopping today as ours broke the other night. Got the opticians aswell and loads more to do. Going to be a busy day and its raining.

Hope you have a goo day kazz and all those to follow. See you at the quiz tonight

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Squirrel's Avatar
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21-12-2011, 10:34 AM   #3

Re: Wednesday - Good Morning One and all.

Hello Kazz, Pamela...

Like the start with a song idea.

Hope you both manage to get through what you need to shopping wise etc.

Over here - quiet day planned. Mind, as my unexpected get together with friends lasted until gone midnight last night, it's probably as well it's quiet today!

Have a good day all!

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angieh's Avatar
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21-12-2011, 11:20 AM   #4

Re: Wednesday - Good Morning One and all.

Morning Kazz, Pamela and Squirrel!

May Solstice Blessings surround you all and may Gaia smile on all Catsey cats and all animal friends today.

More transcription work arrived this morning - but only two hours worth at most. More laundry and hopefully some more housework to fit in too. Really need to wash the kitchen floor but that might have to wait for another day.

Do hope to see a few at the Quiz this evening!

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dandysmom's Avatar
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21-12-2011, 04:50 PM   #5

Re: Wednesday - Good Morning One and all.

Hi all! Cloudy and amazingly warm for the Solstice! Nearing 11 AM and already 13℃ (56℉), how delightful! A slight chance of rain, but I've been out for grass so it doesn't matter. All's quiet here, working on Qs for the quiz tonight, Pamela has asked if I'd substitute. So hope to see you there!

Kazz, like the song start for the Daily! You are such a dynamo, what a schedule! Enjoy the quiet day Squirrel, hope the optician visit goes well, Pamela. Happy Solstice, Angie.

Enjoy the day!

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yola's Avatar
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21-12-2011, 04:51 PM   #6

Re: Wednesday - Good Morning One and all.

Pah! I have a rotten cold and it's not showing any signs of abating.

Today the boys are in holiday care again - both much happier now after Monday's tears I have bought Dominik's bike from Decathlon just need OH to walk it home tonight and squirrel it into a cellar before Dom sees it.

Fifi-cat is getting MUCH perkier now . . . she's moving from having her head stuck into a doorway corner to sitting on stairs, sitting on the bed - albeit for only a short while before jumping down and running back down to the basement and her wound has furred over and apart from a small lump on her paw looks almost normal

All pressies packed, majority of food bought; need to run around to neighbours tonight with cards/gifts and then I think we're sorted!

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dandysmom's Avatar
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21-12-2011, 04:55 PM   #7

Re: Wednesday - Good Morning One and all.

Hi Yola, sounds as if all's going fine except for your wretched cold! Take care, take chicken soup and Vitamin C!

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MrsH's Avatar
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21-12-2011, 07:07 PM   #8

Re: Wednesday - Good Morning One and all.

Working through the house a room at a time, today it was the dining room (how can so much clutter end up on the sideboard?) and dusting all those booze bottles on the trolley took ages! Actually I'm not sure why they get dusty, they get opened up often enough

OH is just pottering around and trying to keep out of the way, I think he's frightened I might find him a job to do!

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yola's Avatar
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21-12-2011, 11:30 PM   #9

Re: Wednesday - Good Morning One and all.

Originally Posted by MrsH
Working through the house a room at a time, today it was the dining room (how can so much clutter end up on the sideboard?) and dusting all those booze bottles on the trolley took ages! Actually I'm not sure why they get dusty, they get opened up often enough

OH is just pottering around and trying to keep out of the way, I think he's frightened I might find him a job to do!
LOL!! Mine has slunk off to bed . . .obviously exhausted by putting roof down on car to get bike onto back seat in order to bring home. Bl.ess

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