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26-08-2010, 08:55 AM   #1

Thinking about Thursday

Looks like I'm becoming the thread starter this week, probably because I'm the early bird catching worms

Thursday is my 'day off' once I get Ceri up and showered and fed etc. I take him up to the day hospital for 10:00 and then collect him at 3.30. Today is especially nice because I'm calling into my friends for coffee, then shopping and having lunch with another friend. Then home for ironing and telly before picking up Ceri. Keeping in touch with my friends has been so important since becoming a carer as I found you can become isolated. Thank goodness too, that I can drive, it gives me more freedom to come & go.

Tonight is nice too, out for a meal with my old school buddies while my mam, bless her heart, sits with Ceri.

All in all, I don't care if it's raining, pouring down and the chill in the air is autumnal I have a warm feeling of being well loved

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26-08-2010, 03:22 PM   #2

Re: Thinking about Thursday

I am pleased that you will have a good day PP - you are indeed lucky in so far as you have family support and that Ceri goes to day hospital. I actually envy you your support network.

We have had our 4 hours R&R this morning. We walked around Bosham harbour - it was quite windy and there was some rain in the wind, but it blew the cobwebs away. Then I am afraid we went to the pub for lunch!

Back home now ........... need to get some washing on. Was expecting some work, but nothing has turned up yet so must make the most of the unexpected extra time.

Will pop back later with a cuppa.

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26-08-2010, 03:56 PM   #3

Re: Thinking about Thursday

PP and Angie - it's good that you can both get a break from caring, I sure it's physically and emotionally draining. I've not been a carer but OH's sister cared for their Mum for several years and somehow managed to retain her sunny disposition, I know I would have found that very hard as MIL was not the easiest person in the world to please. We were very little help at that time I'm afraid as we live 300 miles away but SIL's grown up children helped out when they could.

This morning we went to test drive the Mazda 6 we're thinking of buying, it seems a nice, roomy mid-price car and OH was rather pleased with it. Now we just need to see if they can find one with the options we want and in a colour we like to see if a deal can be struck. I really would rather have an Audi but they're a bit pricier than we want to pay. If we insist on specific options that aren't immediately available in the UK then we have to do a factory order which will take 5 months to come from Japan. It looks as if black is available but I liked the blue, however I'll probably settle for black rather than wait until February!

Raining again!

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26-08-2010, 04:14 PM   #4

Re: Thinking about Thursday

Wet, wet ,wet here today! Lots of excitement at work yesterday-the practice is dividing so that the farm/small animal sides will be totally separate. The new 'building' came in by crane and was lowered into position, a very novel experience.
Had midwife appointment this morning which went well, although my lovely midwife is leaving which is a shame.
Glad you've had time for a nice break PP and Angie, car shopping sounds fun MrsH!

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26-08-2010, 04:23 PM   #5

Re: Thinking about Thursday

Hi all. Warming up here, sunny, 23 C (74 F), nice breeze and low humidity. Another no errand day so the usual lie in. Paid bills and re-potted the 3 new plants I got into larger pots ... with a little help from you-know-who, such a helpful kitty! That's all my exciting news

PP, Angie, glad you both got a slight respite from caring duties, enjoy. Hope you can find a car that suits, MrsH.

Have a great day!

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26-08-2010, 04:39 PM   #6

Re: Thinking about Thursday

Well I went back to work yesterday, thoroughly enjoyed it too but was tired when I came home gave aqua areobics a miss too.
Back today much better. Think yesterday was tiring due to seeing people too hugged all day.

Hope everyone is good, having jacket pots for dinner.......just having a quick shower then food.

Speak later.

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26-08-2010, 06:21 PM   #7

Re: Thinking about Thursday

Morning, all
59 degrees and a bit of a sprinkle. Much different from yesterday's 91 but the day is early yet.
Yesterday I ended up repainting the living room and part of the entryway. So sick of seeing the ugly dusty mauve K's ex had painted the walls, been meaning to change it for a long time now and finally got fed up of looking at it. I think inspiration was because Solomon and Kuan Yin love to run around out there together so I am finding myself sitting in that room more, watching them. No more oppressive mauve, light airy blue replaced it. Funny how much color affects my mood, I feel like I can breathe easier in that room now
K got back from his busy day at midnight (ten hours of driving around) and pottered for a few hours before I called it a night and went to bed at 3am. He was still up then, don't know how late he stayed awake but he hardly got any sleep in the last two nights and now he is snoring to the heavens so i'm letting him be
A doggy had an accident in the living room. Cleaned it up. Betting it was Bounce as K took her along on the road yesterday and when he takes dogs with him he doesn't pack a lunch for them, he just orders them food from the drive thru. Bet that's what did it
Me and K came up with a game plan last night for fixing my car, I will be helping him track down the drain in the battery. Also discussed possibly purchasing a 'new' (old in actuality but new to me) car when my settlement comes as a smart investment. I'm really frugal though, I'd be willing to pay for something more reliable but I don't care about looks or the year, as long as it runs to the library, store, and vet then I'm happy. If we're not able to fix this current problem with my car for a reasonable price, I'll let K do the legwork of finding me a new vehicle and tell him what my budget is as I hate car shopping and he is really knowledgable in that category. I don't want anything with fancy new computers, just something I can rely on and if it does need to be worked on not so obscure a mechanic has difficulty with it. I know it sounds morbid but we've been discussing things if/when K is not here anymore. Not in a depressing way, I think we're just trying to be smarter this time as his last crisis really hit home this could all change at any moment and I want to be prepared next time should it happen again. His prognosis is not so great and we're just betting on luck now so better safe than sorry. We even talked about some things in his will. Whew, went off on a tangent there, sorry.
Anyway,,, I hope the day is good and you all are well. Today I need to get some more newspapers for ferret's litter box and pick up a few things from store then may just paint a little bit more or help K with my car, although I'm thinking he is going to have quite a lie in so who knows, might just be reading inside today while it rains outside. I'm never motivated to do much in rainy weather anyway

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26-08-2010, 08:25 PM   #8

Re: Thinking about Thursday

That's good thinking about replacing the old car, you do need reliable transportation as I gather there's no public in your town. And not morbid to discuss the future, things being as they are; better to have plans in place.

Ambitious you, repainting! That blue sounds much better than mauve, what an odd choice. A rainy day is always a good excuse for slacking a bit and having a "me" time.

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26-08-2010, 09:46 PM   #9

Re: Thinking about Thursday

Hello everyone, i know i'm very late checking in. The weather has improved in Tralee Bay so we have been out and about the last few days. Having a great time and have lots of pics to share with my catsey friends.
PP you are so right about the importance of friends.
Kazz, glad your day at work went alright, even though you were tired, it's to be expected.
PL glad you miswife appointment went well, hope you get another nice midwife.
Angie, glad you had a nice walk and there's nothing wrong with a pub lunch.
Eileen, i'm sure your plants will be happier in big pots.
Tink, good idea to discuss the future and to think about a reliable car, i'm the same not bothered about how it looks although i do like a nice bright colour and as long as it is reliable.
MrsH i hope you find the car you want with the right specifications.
We have done two mountains in the last two days, been on a boat trip to see Seals, walked on the beach and had a visit from a friend of another forum. She brought her Basenji Pup who was born on new years eve like Malika.

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26-08-2010, 10:01 PM   #10

Re: Thinking about Thursday

Well the rain has let up and now it is windy and 62 degrees. I think fall is on the way which makes me feel happy and nostalgic. Pretty soon everything from pie to lattes will have pumpkin and spice in it And dried leaves! I've always fantasized about jumping in a pile of those.

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